WHMS Pilot Support Meeting | 9/9/2016


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Presentation transcript:

WHMS Pilot Support Meeting | 9/9/2016 Making Learning Personalized

Agenda: Culture Non-Negotiables for pilot rooms Grading norms in a personalized classroom Consistent Monitoring (mastery and pace) Standards Based Instruction Needed resources Coach visits and unit review Lab Digital Classroom Website content Questions | Open Forum


Culture elements in a pilot room Must do (Non-negotiables elements): 1. Code of Cooperation 2. Shared Vision 3. SOPs May do (Above and Beyond): 1. Data tracking/ skills mastery 2. Goal Setting and Monitoring plan **In depth coaching on these elements will be provided though PL lab. Please check the calendar for available sessions and/or the share drive for resources!

Code of Cooperation | COC

What is a Code of Cooperation? “…[the} code of cooperation will help each student internalize what he or she needs to do to be a successful learner. These foundational pieces have been crucial in establishing a learner-centered culture in our schools” (www.ascd.org). Set of norms for acceptable behavior and attitudes A CoC allows for a student to discover, create and implement what will make them successful in a personalized learning classroom (i.e., teacher focused AND student focused codes). Students are more invested as their voice builds the classroom’s or team’s Code of Cooperation. Students are more likely to adhere to the established codes. The CoC should be revisited throughout the year as circumstances require or to refresh student buy-in.

How it a CoC built? The student’s MUST be the driving force in the generation of the CoC to instill investment, it should be their voice that develops the terms of the code. However, you can use selective questioning to narrow your student’s focus and to help them produce a thoughtful and useful CoC for your team. For step by step instructions (teacher and learner versions) to create a CoC please see the share folder. X:driveiShareWHMS 2016-2017 PL Resources  CoC

What is a shared Vision Statement? A statement created through gathered student input to help classrooms be more focused on helping learners reach their goals while exhibiting a growth mindset. The statement should act as a snapshot that inspires and challenges students. According to Jennell Evans a vision, “Provides guidance and inspiration as to what an organization is focused on…(2010).

What are SOPs? A Standard Operating Procedures is, “…a procedure specific to your operation that describes the activities necessary to complete tasks in accordance with…” team and classroom norms (www.Brampton.com). Procedural SOPs can be created team wide to assist in classroom operations (bathroom, how to start class, etc) Content SOPs can be created to streamline content skills (i.e., How to cite sources?, How to solve two-step equations?, etc.) SOPs should be created using student voice! Ask them to solve the problem or challenge!

Procedural SOPs

Elements of Making Learning Personal

Grading norms: Create ‘hard’ due dates/ A teacher pace Establish Grading Policy Input/update grades weekly Enter zeros according to teacher pace (update as student recovers pace)

Consistent Monitoring | Interventions: In a personalized classroom, teachers should have a role in consistently monitoring pace and standards mastery of their learners Teacher-created resources can make this efficient and purposeful (not just doing it because you have to) Tracking makes students more aware of their progress and also allows for opportunities of intervention from the teacher if needed UTILIZE SKYWARD: communication with parents, progress updates, pacing notifications, etc. What can you do for students who need intervention in pacing or mastery? PL Lab 6th period (info forthcoming) Small group/ tutoring in class Pacing guides/ tracking sheets *Check the Schoology group or share drive for resources

Standards-Based Instruction Take PL off the table for a minute; we ALL should be focused on standards-based instruction, which is the deconstruction of the county’s blueprint and standards to develop assignments and drive instruction. You, the teacher, should start with standards when unit planning All unit tasks, activities, assessments should be standards aligned Standards-Based Instruction should be evident in every classroom on campus Your students should be able to speak to how their learning and tasks connect to mastery of standards

Teacher Created Resources: Examples of resources that may be needed to instruct and facilitate learners in a personalized setting include: Standards Unpacking Document or Sheet Tracking/Monitoring Resources Rubrics Roadmaps/Flowcharts (Unit navigation) Task Choices and Assignment Sheets Conference Forms You can always beg, borrow, and steal! Also, utilize the Schoology folder. 

How can your coaches help? 

Coach Visits and Unit Review: Coaches (Scott/Fagan) are available to visit your classroom and offer feedback to assist in your implementation of making learning personal. These visits will be scheduled with the goal of providing valuable coaching and to celebrate success. Following the visit, coaches will debrief with the pilot teacher to share feedback. Fagan’s availability: 4th, 5th, and 6th period. Scott’s availability: 2nd and 3rd period. Coaches can also review teacher created units to offer feedback and help elevate units for implementation.

PL Lab Coaches will host and facilitate four PL lab sessions weekly Tuesday and Wednesday mornings (7:30-8:45am) and then Tuesday and Thursday afternoons (4:30- 5:30pm). In these sessions, coaches will instruct or mini-lecture on a PL topic followed by work/planning time on the presented topic. If interested in attending, the calendar will be available prior to the start date, the week of August 29th, and you may sign-up for the sessions at this time. *The Lab calendar and sign-up sheet will be in the share folder: X:driveishareWHMS 2016- 2017 PL Resources PL Lab and updated by coaches. Please make sure to save and exit the documents once you are through with them, so that others may utilize them as well. Lab will begin the week of August 29th, with four sessions offered covering two topics: Code of Cooperation and SOPs. Coaches will cover many PL topics throughout semester one and then again in semester two for teachers who are beginning implementation then.

Online Resources/ Digital Classroom As part of making learning personalized, pilot classroom teachers should maintain a digital classroom through Edmodo or Schoology Schoology already has your courses and students assigned The Purpose of extending the classroom to an online platform: For individual pacing, students should have access to unit resources digitally Benefits: Absent students, resources always, communication method for parents and students, calendar features for pacing, testing platforms with automatic grading, data collection based on testing platform, and student work submission. You can utilize the many features of these online platforms to deepen implementation


WHMS Website Content: Please check out the “Making Learning Personal” page on WHMS website You can, if needed, direct parents to the sub pages for making learning personal facts, misconceptions, definitions, and success stories We will also be highlighting a pilot teacher monthly to celebrate your efforts and success

Open Forum |Questions

Mission vs. Vision Statements WHMS Mission: To promote the love of learning through a partnership with the students, parents, teachers, and the community, for success in the 21st century. Vision – Teachers’ or team’s snapshot of how to contribute and/or guide students to achieving the mission. How will your or your team promote a love of learning?