Robots By Nazah and Anna
Where are Robots being used? Our research question Where are Robots being used?
Answer: They are being used in boring and, monotonous jobs etc… (welding and painting in production lines cleaning houses and offices. Dangerous jobs that humans cannot be able to do like etc…cleaning radio active waste manipulating explosive materials like military applications. like Jobs that require a superhuman speed and accuracy …..(in order to make it inexpensive. Assembly of electronic devices like, mobile phones and computers. Jobs in inaccessible places: exploring another planet or the bottom of the sea. They are literary lots of places of Robots can be used.
Other opinions Ksenia: laboratories James: manufacturing places Angela: general motors, automobile factory Courtney: companies, Asia Natasha: other planets Karran: used for digging oil Anna: kitchens Ezra: inaccessible places AFIA: SHOPS
The Credits The researchers: Nazah and Anna Typing: Anna Pictures: Nazah The Editors: Renee and Natasha
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