Professional Communications Communicating in the Professional World
Professional Communication Successful communication skills in the professional world are critical and involve the following: writing, reading, editing, speaking, listening, software applications, computer graphics, and Internet research.
Active Listening - Goal Your goal as a listener: Comprehend Retain information Make effective and accurate responses Recognize non-verbal cues Know the purpose/meaning of the speaker
Communication Barriers Distractions Language or accents Attention span Vocabulary Noise or interruptions
Resumes Resumes give insight to your experiences, skills, goals and activities. It’s a picture of who you are and what you are capable of doing. Guidelines to follow: Consistent formatting Neat Brief Use action verbs Proper headings
Resume - Headings You will need to have at least 3 headings. Group your experiences to reflect your strengths. Common headings include: EDUCATION LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE COMMUNITY SERVICE SKILLS ATHLETICS ACTIVITIES PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS 6
Resume - Objective Replace each underline with the information below. Seeking an/a __________ position that will expand my ____________ skills and utilize those skills to strengthen ____________ operations. Blank 1 = career name Bank 2 = skill that matches that career Blank 3 = Company Name Image: Decide what overall impression you want your resume to communicate. Does it show that you are a leader, a team player, an artist, an innovator, a salesperson, or something else?
Resume - Action Verbs Start phrases with action verbs to convey enthusiasm and achievement. Sample verbs include: Advised, Analyzed, Coordinated, Created, Developed, Evaluated, Guided, Handled, Implemented, Increased, Led, Managed, Organized, Performed, Planned, Presented, Processed, Researched, Served, Trained. Photo and Resume by Lutitia Featherston. Used with permission.
Interviewing Know the Organization First, Know the Organization USE THE ORGANIZATION FROM YOUR RESUME OBJECTIVE If you want employers to take an interest in you, show interest in them by demonstrating knowledge of the position, the organization, and the employer’s industry. Find this information at: Employer websites; Professional associations; Current employees; Magazines and newspapers
Interviewing Know Yourself Second, Know Yourself (Mock Interview Prep) Tell about yourself Explain why you chose your major What are your strengths and weaknesses? What are your career ambitions? What motivates you? Why should we hire you? What are your top skills or strengths (related to the employer’s needs)? You may want to emphasize three or four of these points when responding to interview questions (e.g., “I have strong sales experience, I am self-motivated, and I work well in teams.”).
At the Interview Professionalism Third, Convey Professionalism Dress professionally and conservatively. Smile, make eye contact, and use a firm handshake. Be positive when describing your experiences. Communicate with Impact. Structure your responses: – Briefly describe the context in which the behavior or action took place. – Specifically explain the action you took to handle the situation. – Most importantly, describe the result or impact of your action.
At the Interview Ask Questions Fourth, Ask Questions Be prepared to ask questions to build on what you have already learned about the position, the organization, and the industry. A few sample questions you might ask: How would you describe the ideal candidate for this position? What would be expected of this person during the first few months on the job? What are the biggest challenges currently facing your organization (or industry)? 12
At the Interview Finish Strong Last of all, Finish Strong Communicate your enthusiasm before you leave the interview. Ask for the interviewer’s business card so you can follow up. Thank the interviewer and project confidence as you shake hands and say goodbye. Always send the interviewer a brief thank-you letter or email. 13
Overview Know Communication Terms Listen to Presenter and Answer Questions Group-Share and Discuss Answers Go Over Resume Objective and Guidelines Complete Resume with Objective Go Over Mock Interview Guidelines and answer Know the Organization and Know Yourself Complete 2 Mock Interviews, Dressed Professionally