auf Deutsch (in German) Complete Commands auf Deutsch (in German)
In German there are 5 ways of giving commands, depending on whom you’re commanding! the “Sie” form (for one or more people to whom you show respect) the “du” form (for one friend, family member, animal) the infinitive form (used in public language, signs) the “ihr” form (for two or more friends, family members, animals) the “wir” form (“Let’s . . .”)
Mach die Arbeit! 5
So how do we command one friend, family member (watch out Mom or Dad So how do we command one friend, family member (watch out Mom or Dad!), or a pet?
Start with the infinitive form of the verb . . . rennen Renn! Renne! Conjugate it for “du” . . . (du) rennst Take off the –st . . . (du) rennst
Let’s try another!
Start with the infinitive form of the verb . . . weinen Wein! Weine! Conjugate it for “du” . . . (du) weinst Take off the –st . . . (du) weinst
Why can’t we just take off the –en?
Start with the infinitive form of the verb . . . geben Conjugate it for “du” . . . Gib! (du) gibst Take off the –st . . . (du) gibst
In German there are 5 ways of giving command, depending on whom you’re commanding! the “Sie” form (for one or more people to whom you show respect) the “du” form (for one friend, family member, animal) the infinitive form (used in public language, signs) the “ihr” form (for two or more friends, family members, animals) the “wir” form (“Let’s . . .”) 12
Tanzt! 13
Rennt! 14
Weint! 15
Macht die Arbeit!
Start with the infinitive form of the verb . . . rennen Conjugate it for “ ihr ” (ihr) rennt Rennt! Run (you all)! 17
In German there are 5 ways of giving command, depending on whom you’re commanding! the “Sie” form (for one or more people to whom you show respect) the “du” form (for one friend, family member, animal) the infinitive form (used in public language, signs) the “ihr” form (for two or more friends, family members, animals) the “wir” form (“Let’s . . .”) 18
Tanzen Sie! 19
Weinen Sie! 20
Start with the infinitive form of the verb . . . rennen Conjugate it for “Sie” . . . Rennen Sie! (Sie) rennen Add the “Sie” after the verb . . .
Start with the infinitive form of the verb . . . aufmachen Conjugate it for “Sie” . . . Machen Sie auf! (Sie) machen auf Add the “Sie” after the verb . . .
In German there are 5 ways of giving command, depending on whom you’re commanding! the “Sie” form (for one or more people to whom you show respect) the “du” form (for one friend, family member, animal) the infinitive form (used in public language, signs) the “ihr” form (for two or more friends, family members, animals) the “wir” form (“Let’s . . .”)
Let’s dance . . . Tanzen wir! 24
Start with the infinitive form of the verb . . . rennen Conjugate it for “wir” . . . Rennen wir! (wir) rennen Add the “wir” after the verb . . .
Start with the infinitive form of the verb . . . aufstehen Conjugate it for “wir” . . . Stehen wir auf! (wir) stehen auf Add the “wir” after the verb . . .
Du- sei ihr-seid Sie-seien Wir-seien