Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3 and 4
Lesson 5
Lesson 6
Lesson 7
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 and 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
What is the life cycle of a sea turtle? Page 106-107
Egg Young sea turtle Adult sea turtle
How are plants living things? Page 103
Plants need food and water. Plants grow and change. Plants need food and water. Plants can be parents.
What is a life cycle? Page 106
A life cycle is the way a living thing grows and changes.
About how long does it take For the sea turtle’s eggs to hatch? Page 105
It take about two months for the eggs to hatch.
How do baby sea turtles get out of the egg? Page 105
They have a special tooth that helps them break open the shell.
What is the life cycle of a dragon fly? Page 108-109
Egg Nymph Adult dragonfly
What is a nymph? Page 108
A nymph is a young insect that looks like its parent, but whose wings are still growing.
How are a nymph and an adult alike? Page 109
adult. Both have six legs. A nymph looks like an adult. Both have six legs.
Why do you think nymphs shed their outside coverings as they grow? Page 108
The old covering becomes too small as they grow.
Why doesn’t a nymph need wings? Page 108-109
A nymph doesn’t need wings because it doesn’t fly.
What is the life cycle of a horse? Page 110-111
Foal Young horse Adult horse
What happens after a horse Think of the life cycle. What happens after a horse becomes an adult?
The adult horse can have a The life cycle starts again! foals of its own. The life cycle starts again!
How does a young giraffe look different from the adult? Page 113
The patterns of spots are different and the adult’s spots are darker.
How does a young penguin look like its parent? Page 112
They have the same body parts Their bodies have the same shapes. as their parents. Their bodies have the same shapes.
How are kittens like their parents? Page 112
Kittens have the same shape as their parents. They are covered with fur and have whiskers like their parents. They may have the same colors as their parents.
What is the 4 steps in the life cycle of a bean plant? Page 114-115
Seed Seed germinates Seedling Adult plant
What is inside each seed? Page 114
Inside the seed is a tiny plant and food for the tiny plant.
What happens after a seed germinates, or begins to grow? Page 114
Roots grow down into the ground and a stem grows up.
How does a seed coat help a seed? Page 114
A seed coat protects a seed.
What 3 things do plants need to grow?
Water Sunlight Air
How are young plants like their parents? Page 116
Young plants are usually like their parent plant in color and shape.
How is a young saguaro cactus different from an adult saguaro cactus? Page 116
A young saguaro cactus does not have arms like the adult.
How do you know that they colorful foxglove on page 117 are not in their first year?
Foxglove grow flowers during their second year of life. They have flowers. Foxglove grow flowers during their second year of life.
Foxgloves grow only ________ their first year. Page 117
Foxglove grow only leaves their first year.
Young plants usually look ______ their parent plants, but can be _________ is some ways. Page 116-117
Young plants usually look LIKE their parent plants, but can be DIFFERENT is some ways.
When do people stop growing taller? Page 118
People stop growing taller when they become adults.
If you see a person with wrinkled skin, what might you guess about the person’s age? Page 119
they have wrinkled skin. He or she is an adult if they have wrinkled skin.
What are some things you look at when you describe how people look? Page 120
How short or tall they are Eye color Hair color Skin color
What are some things that children have that make them look like their parents? Page 121
same eyes, hair, skin color or Children may have the same eyes, hair, skin color or looks as their parent.
True or False The people in a family all look exactly alike.
Not everyone in a family looks Even twins are different False Not everyone in a family looks exactly alike. Even twins are different in some ways.