Extraversion (E) & Introversion (I) and the Four Elements Robert Currey Kepler Conference, FL January 2017
Dean’s E & N Study Subjects: 1,198 from 3 sources Tested on Eysenck’s Personality Index (EPI) Astrologer Test: 45 Astrologers 160 Charts Computer Test: 288 Charts (24% of parent sample) Divided into 8 groups of 36. Subdivided into 72 groups. Dean Published: 1981, 1985 (a & b) & 1986
Age Distribution in E & N data
Eysenck’s E & N Personality Type Traits Water Fire Eysenck’s E & N Personality Type Traits Air Earth
Eysenck’s E & N Personality Type Traits and their associated Elements according to classic authors
Eysenck’s E & N Personality Type Traits and their associated Elements
How Eysenck’s keyword traits match up with the Astrological Elements Fire keywords (red) are exclusively E+ (extraverted). Right half of circle Earth keywords (brown) are exclusively E- (introverted). Left half of circle Air keywords (green) are exclusively N- (emotionally stable). Lower half of circle Water (blue) is spread among all four quarters (slightly more E-N+)
Distribution in E & N data by EPI score
Frequencies of Planets in the Elements on the E and N scales Frequencies of Planets in the Elements on the E and N scales Psychological Type Fire Earth Air Water M SD Extraversion [E+] 194 146 143 165 162 20.31 Introversion [E-] 154 179 154 161 162 10.22 Total 348 325 297 326 324 15.26 Difference [E+ minus E-] 40 -33 -11 4 N = 1,296 planets Neuroticism [N+] 168 166 139 175 162 13.69 Emotional Stability [N-] 166 149 168 165 162 7.58 Total 334 315 307 340 324 10.63 Difference [N+ minus N-] 2 17 -29 10 N = 1,296 planets Data from Dean (1985)
How Eysenck’s keyword traits match up with the Astrological Elements Results of Chi χ2 tests of independence for Highest and Lowest Elements Experiment Elements DF N χ2 test statistic p Highest Element E scale Fire E+ v E- Earth E- v E+ 1 216 5.6509 .017 Lowest Element E scale Fire E+ v E- Earth E- v E+ 1 216 9.0025 .0027 Highest Element N scale Earth N+ v N- Air N- v N+ 1 216 0.7355 .39 Lowest Element N scale Earth N+ v N- Air N- v N+ 1 216 5.7182 .017 Original data from Dean (1985)
Measuring the balance of planetary frequency in each Element Measuring planetary frequencies against traits for Extraversion Measuring the balance of planetary frequency in each Element Frequency of planets in each Element for E+ (n=108) minus frequency for E- subjects (n=108) Frequency of traits assigned to astrological Elements for E+ minus frequency of traits for E-.
Measuring the balance of planetary frequency in each Element Measuring planetary frequencies for Neuroticism against EPI Traits Measuring the balance of planetary frequency in each Element Frequency of planets in each Element for E+ (n=108) minus frequency for E- subjects (n=108) Frequency of traits assigned to astrological Elements for E+ minus frequency of traits for E-.
Balance of Planet frequency by Eysenck’s trait balance E Correlation co-efficient 96,6% N Correlation coefficient 95.3%
FIRE Frequency distribution by E & N personality type of charts with predominantly Fire planets versus charts with low or a lack of Fire.
Probability of Fire Results for Extraversion Binomial Proportion Test of Birth Charts where Fire is the Highest & Lowest Element Element/E Scale Frequency p d Mean SD M N High Fire E+ 35.17 0.032 1.99 5.20 27 108 Low Fire E- 34.00 0.050 3.07 5.82 27 108 High Fire E- 24.83 0.29 1.99 5.20 27 108 Low Fire E+ 15.33 0.0036 3.07 5.82 27 108 (Data from Dean 1985)
EARTH Frequency distribution by E & N personality type of charts with predominantly Earth planets versus charts with low or a lack of Earth.
Probability of Earth Results in Extraversion Binomial Proportion Test of Birth Charts where Earth is the Highest & Lowest Element Element/E Scale Frequency p d Mean SD M N High Earth E- 35.83 0.032 2.85 5.20 27 108 Low Earth E+ 34.67 0.050 1.75 5.82 27 108 Low Earth E- 24.00 0.29 1.75 5.82 27 108 High Earth E+ 21.00 0.11 2.85 5.20 27 108 (Data from Dean 1985)
AIR Frequency distribution by E & N personality type of charts with predominantly Air planets versus charts with low or a lack of Air
WATER Frequency distribution by E & N personality type of charts with predominantly water planets versus charts with low or a lack of water
Inner Planets in relation to the Sun Sign Frequency of planets in Positive or Negative Signs in relation to the Sun’s Polarity (N=288) Sun Polarity Positive Negative Positive Negative Total Pos/Neg Planet Positive Negative Negative Positive Total Balance Mercury 25% 26% 23% 26% 100% 2% Venus 18% 19% 30% 33% 100% -26% Mars 23% 27% 25% 25% 100% 0% Total 22% 24% 26% 28% 100% -8% Original data from Dean (1985)
Zig Zag Pattern – Sun, Moon and Ascendant
Sun, Moon and Ascendant correlate with Expectations How the polarity of the Sun, Moon and the Ascendant independently correlate as predicted Planet Sun Moon Ascendant MO + ASC SO+MO+AS Predicted Direction 122 115 118 233 355 Opposite Direction 94 101 98 199 293 % 56% 53% 54% 55% N 216 216 216 432 648 p (Binomial Sign) .024 0.15 .076 .046 .007 (Data from Dean 1985)
Why this data is unlikely to be self-attribution lie score in the EPI to detect false answers and Dean eliminated all subjects with a high score (L>5). Dean claimed “The evidence for the validity E and N is now overwhelming. … The crucial point about such tests is that the responses are impossible to fake.” The sample was collected from three reliable independent sources: (58%) were student volunteers and the rest responded to an advertisement to help with a study into personality and astronomical factors (32%) or between personality and season of birth (10%). Self-attribution is a hypothesis. It is considered the most plausible explanation for empirical evidence by those who believe that any explanation that supports astrology must be impossible Self selectors Self knowers Self confirmers. If astrology is valid, it follows that those interested in astrology have discovered their identity through astrology and those who are not interested lack this self-awareness. This is not a Sun-Sign test and Solar effects are diluted by the Sign position of three planets, the Moon and the Ascendant. In this study, the impact of the Sun is not amplified through the inner planets.7 Dean points out that the Sun Sign effect can only apply to the Sun, Mercury, Venus and to a small extent Mars and “Because few people know the sign position of the other planets and the Ascendant, self-attribution cannot apply to these factors in which case a positive result would suggest that sign effects are real”. `
Age Distribution in E & N data Age distribution within E & N data (n = 288) EPI Typology E+ E- N+ N- Mean Year of birth 1951.64 1946.07 1951.39 1945.50 Gap between Mean Years 5.56 years 5.88 years From Dean E & N Tests (1985-6)
How Eysenck’s keyword traits match up with the Astrological Elements
Age Distribution in E & N data