Minimum Hardware Requirements STANDARD (Server) 1 GHz processor 512 MiB RAM (System Memory) 5 GB of Hard Drive space MINIMAL (Server) 300 MHz 128 MiB RAM (System Memory)
File System Comparisons Features EXT2 EXT3 EXT4 File Size 16GB to 2TB 16 GB to 16 TB File System Size 2 TB to 32 TB 1024 TB Conversion No conversion Can convert EXT2 to EXT3 Can mount ext3 as ext4 without upgrade Journaling Feature Not Available Yes Yes (Can Off journaling feature) Subdirectories Capacity N.A 32000 64000
Mount points of Linux partition / - root partition where all configuration and proc files are stored. /usr - Executable binaries, documentations and files and directories are stored which compile through tar. /var - Spool directories such as mail and printing. All types of logs which help to monitor and debug the problem. /home- User’s home directories. /tmp - temporary data files stored by apps. /boot - Kernel images and boot loader configurations. You can create your own mount point while installing O.S as per your requirement.
Subdirectories inside the root directory /bin : Important Linux commands available to the average user. Example: ls, date, chmod, grep etc /dev : All device drivers. Example: Make and model of the monitor. /etc : System configuration files. /home : Every user except root gets her own folder in here, named for her login account. So, the user who logs in with sagar has the directory /home/sagar, where all of her personal files are kept. (One can create /home there mount point and mount on linux partition) /lib : System libraries. Libraries are just bunches of programming code that the programs on your system use to get things done. /proc : Directory where all run time system information get stored. Example: The information in /proc/modules is same as you while you execute command “lsmod”.
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Ubuntu one utility
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