Greystones CNS PTP Sep 2017
What is the PTP? Parent Teacher Partnership Open to all parents and teachers at Greystones CNS. A forum for discussing issues and topics of interest to parents and teachers. Foster a sense of community in the school. Fundraising to raise money for specific needs of the school. To give practical help to the school which will benefit our children Meet first Monday of the month at 7 pm ( move to bimonthly this year)
What the PTP is not….. Not a forum to air grievances or issues relating to individual pupils, parents, staff or school policies Not the board of management. Not involved in the day to running of the school.
Our first two years We have started a positive and active partnership with the school Fundraising Bag packing Halloween floral displays Christmas Cards Quiz night Bag2school- clothes collection Parent led After school activities Garden Club (Olivia and Mathilde)- including National heritage Project during school hours Athletics in Shoreline (Heather) Volunteering to help out in the classroom… Artwork, world book week, mindfulness, Book fair, Grandparents Day, Garden Club, Heritage Ireland- Uniform Donation Day: Please note Garda Vetting is required. New Building Sub Committee- Instrumental in getting us to PP stage, strong relationships have been built with local developers and TD’s. Identified areas where Fundraising money can be invested in the school- outdoor play area, school stage etc. Arts Sub Committee- formed late last year- Parents helping to give the children opportunities for learning and participation in the Arts- Music, Drama , Dance, visual Arts and Literary Arts to name but a few-
Parent teacher partnership-AGM The PTP AGM ( Monday 23 Oct 2017)- structure and constitution were put in place late last year. Committee may be comprised of a maximum of 16 elected members/officers and a minimum of 8 and constituted as follows: Officers: Chair Vice Chair Secretary Vice Secretary Treasurer Minimum of 3 Ordinary Committee Members
The Committee - What's needed ? Candidates will need the time to dedicate to getting the work done! Anyone with skills that lend to the roles within the committee. Smaller groups required for specific tasks. Fundraising activities New school build campaign Community garden
Chairperson/ Vice Chairperson Lead and guide the committee meetings Ensure the committee works to agreed targets and completes actions Ensure the committee communicates with the entire parent group and the school Ensure that all parents are respected listened to and encouraged
Secretary Take minutes at each meeting File records of each meeting Prepare Meeting agendas Administrate all outgoing and incoming communication for the PTP (typically a shared responsibility)
Treasurer Open and manage PTP bank account Lodge and record all financial transactions Provide financial reports for the PTP. Annual accounts will be required Issue receipts for all financial transactions
How the election works Nominees for election must give the Members/Committee 28 days notice of their intention to stand for election.- Email Friday 22 Sep 2017 A list of nominees will be circulated electronically to members no later than 14 days before the Annual General Meeting- Monday 09 Oct 2017 If there is more than one nominee for any officer position or more than 7 for the ordinary committee member positions, then an election shall be held for those positions at the AGM. Election shall be by simple majority of members voting and proxy votes (form appended to the Constitution for proxy votes)
More information…. PTP webpage PTP Constitution National Parents Council