Overview of the programmes of UNESCO/IOC’s Sub Commission for Africa and the Adjacent Island States (IOCAFRICA). This presentation provides an overview.


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Presentation transcript:

Overview of the programmes of UNESCO/IOC’s Sub Commission for Africa and the Adjacent Island States (IOCAFRICA). This presentation provides an overview of the programmes of UNESCO/IOC’s Sub Commission for Africa and the Adjacent Island States. Mika Odido IOC Coordinator in Africa IOC Sub Commission for Africa & the Adjacent Island States

6/2/2018 6:28 AM The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO was established in 1960 as a specialized mechanism of the United Nations system to coordinate ocean scientific research and services worldwide. The purpose of the Commission is to promote international cooperation and to coordinate programme in research, services, and capacity building in order to learn more about the nature and resources of the ocean and coastal areas and to apply that knowledge for the improvement of management, sustainable development, the protection of the marine environment, and the decision making processes of its Member States. 2

The IOC has a long tradition of implementing regional programmes and regional components of its global programmes through Regional Subsidiary Bodies and IOC Decentralized Offices. These can be classed into the following categories: (i) Regional Sub Commissions (ii) Regional Committees (iii) Programme and Project Offices IOC also has a network of UNESCO Chairs that contribute to its capacity development programmes. We have three Sub Commissions covering the following regions: IOCAFRICA – Africa and the Adjacent Island States, with secretariat in Nairobi, Kenya IOCARIBE – covering the Carribean and Adjacent regions, with secretariat in Cartagena, Colombo IOC/WESTPAC – covering the Western Pacific region, with secretariat in Bangkok, Thailand.

6/2/2018 6:28 AM IOCAFRICA Mission Established July 2011, and officially launched May 2012. Promote regional and international cooperation for the understanding and management of the African oceans and coastal ecosystems, in order to ensure sustainable development and safety of the coastal populations, taking into account the priorities of Member States from Africa IOCAFRICA was established by in 2011 as a framework to improve IOC visibility to facilitate coordination among Member States in the region, and to ensure the efficient implementation of IOC programme in Africa. IOCAFRICA aims to promote scientific research and understanding of the ocean and coastal environment and resources, and provide the science-base necessary for the development of the Blue Economy in Africa as outlined in the African Union’s Agenda 2063 (“The Africa We want”), and the 2050 African Integrated Marine Strategic Plan of Action (AIMS2050). Location of IOCAFRICA Secretariat UNESCO Regional Office for Eastern Africa UN Offices in Nairobi, Kenya 4

6/2/2018 6:28 AM IOCAFRICA Vision to be the voice of Africa on matters related to ocean science and the science base for ocean management, providing a unique Africa-wide platform, bringing together Member States, UN agencies and other stakeholders, to drive research, observations, and disaster preparedness and mitigation for the sustainable management of the African oceans and coastal areas; The Vision of the IOCAFRICA is: to be the voice of Africa on matters related to ocean science and the science base for ocean management, providing a unique Africa-wide platform, bringing together Member States, UN agencies and other stakeholders, to drive research, observations, and disaster preparedness and mitigation for the sustainable management of the African oceans and coastal areas. 5

IOCAFRICA Areas of Focus Ocean Observations and Monitoring Ocean Sciences and Assessments Ocean Data and Information Management Capacity Development in Marine Science and Technology Public Awareness and Science-Policy Interface IOCAFRICA Member States have identified five thematic areas that’s needs to be addressed to enable the Sub Commission achieve its objectives. These are: Ocean Observations and Monitoring Ocean Sciences and Assessments Ocean Data and Information Management Capacity Development in Marine Science and Technology Public Awareness and Science-Policy Interface. I will briefly outline some of the activities that are implemented or planned under each of these themes.

1. Ocean Observations and Monitoring Development of an African Ocean Observations network Participation of experts and institutions in the region research cruises organized by countries/organizations from the region and outside the region Ocean Modeling and forecasting The actives proposed under this thematic area include: Development of an African Ocean Observations network (including maintenance and upgrade of sea level stations) that focuses on "ocean information for human and economic security“). Participation of experts and institutions in the region research cruises organized by countries/organizations from the region and outside the region (including the second International Indian Ocean Expedition cruises) Ocean Modeling and forecasting (including extreme weather events such as storm surges)

Examples of activities implemented 6/2/2018 Examples of activities implemented Coordinating the strengthening of a sea level network comprising more than 30 tide gauges Training course on board RV Mtafiti 3 Ocean forecasting workshops for the Western Indian Ocean region Development of WIO plan for the 2nd International Indian Ocean Expedition ONGOING: Development of proposal for African Ocean Observing System Examples of activities that have been implemented include: Coordinating the strengthening of a sea level network comprising more than 30 tide gauges Training course on board Kenya’s RV Mtafiti 3 Ocean forecasting workshops for the Western Indian Ocean region Development of WIO plan for the 2nd International Indian Ocean Expedition ONGOING: Development of proposal for African Ocean Observing System Training on operational oceanography is planned in the second half of 2017 and will include on-board training using Kenyan and South African oceanographic research vessels.

2. Ocean Sciences and Assessments Addressing Climate Change and Adaptation in the Coastal Zones Marine Biodiversity Harmful Algal Blooms programme Nutrients and Ocean Acidification Implementation of Marine Spatial Planning Coastal Management and Assessments The Ocean Sciences programme catalyzes and coordinates oceanographic research addressing critical uncertainties for the management of marine environment and climate change, through three interactive lines of work: (i) Oceans and Climate, (ii) Science for Ecosystems and Marine Environmental Protection, and (iii) Marine Science for Integrated Coastal Area Management. The programme has implemented activities focusing on climate research, climate change and ecosystems, Adaptation to Climate Change, marine biodiversity, harmful algal blooms, nutrients research, ocean acidification, ocean carbon, marine spatial planning, integrated coastal management, and ocean assessments.

3. Ocean Data and Information Management African Ocean Data and Information portal to improve access to ocean data and information Marine biodiversity and biogeography programme, building on the African Register of Marine Species (Afremas) and the African node for the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (AfrOBIS) Ocean Data and Information products for the sustainable development and management of the oceans and coastal regions. The generation of data and information is the basis for progress in scientific research and discovery. Standards and formats are necessary to ensure inter- comparability of data. This enables scientist to compare their results with others, and also build on previous work. The Ocean Data and Information Network for Africa (ODINAFRICA), initiated by IOC’s International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange programme (IODE), has over the years developed a wide range of ocean data and information products and services at both national and regional levels. The current focus in the region is on: Development of an African Ocean Data and Information portal to improve access to ocean data and information Developing a marine biodiversity and biogeography programme, building on the African Register of Marine Species and the African node for the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (Afri-OBIS) Preparation of Ocean Data and Information products for Sustainable Development of the Ocean and Coastal regions.

Examples of activities that have been implemented Literature catalogues and repositories Data catalogues and repositories African Register of Marine Species (more than 24,000 records: part of WoRMS) Projects database Experts and institutions database Coastal and Marine Atlases Developing of database of Indian Ocean cruises since 1965 Analysis and interpretation of historical Indian Ocean datasets Examples of activities implemented and products that have been developed include: catalogues of libraries of marine institutions, catalogues and an electronic repository of marine related publications from/about Africa directory of marine and freshwater experts and institutions from Africa catalogue of on-going and completed marine related projects implemented along the African coastline access to a wide range of data sets from regional and global ocean data centres development of national ocean data catalogues and databases development of Coastal and Marine Atlases, and the African Register of Marine Species.

4. Capacity Development in Marine Science and Technology IOCAFRICA Capacity Development portal Continuous professional development for marine scientists Strengthening and development of regional training and research centres (UNESCO Chairs, OTGA Regional Training Centres, IIOE-2 legacy institutions) Mentorship programmes IOC has developed a strategic framework that calls for investing in people and the institutions of which they are a part, enhancing access to scientific tools and methodologies, reinforcing IOC’s capabilities to provide services to Member States, enhancing the communication between scientific and policy makers communities, expanding ocean literacy in civil society and mobilizing resources to accomplish these goals. The focus of IOCAFRICA is on: Development of an IOCAFRICA Capacity Development portal Continuous professional development for marine scientists from the region Strengthening and development of regional training and research centres Developing and implementing Mentorship programmes Developing and strengthening the links between the scientific community and governments and other stakeholders, including the public.

Examples of activities implemented and planned. 6/2/2018 Examples of activities implemented and planned. OTGA Regional training centres in Kenya, Mozambique, Senegal. Marine GIS (2015 Mombasa, 2016 Dakar) Fundamentals of Ocean Data Management (2016 Dakar, 2017 Maputo) Communication and Outreach in marine sciences (2016 Mombasa) Marine Biodiversity (2017 Dakar) Ship board training Understanding ocean and coastal processes and how they impact on environment and resources Monitoring and early warning for coastal and oceanic natural hazards Ocean modeling and forecasting Operational Oceanography Examples of activities implemented include: Training at the regional training centres of the Ocean Teacher Global Academy project in in Kenya, Mozambique, Senegal on the following topics: Marine GIS (2015 Mombasa, 2016 Dakar) Fundamentals of Ocean Data Management (2016 Dakar, 2017 Maputo) Communication and Outreach in marine sciences (2016 Mombasa) Marine Biodiversity (2017 Dakar) The following topics will be covered through the OTGA and other initiatives in 2017: Ship board training Understanding ocean and coastal processes and how they impact on environment and resources Monitoring and early warning for coastal and oceanic natural hazards Ocean Modeling and forecasting Operational Oceanography

5. Public Awareness and Science-Policy Interface Organization of activities to mark World Ocean Day (8 June) and the African Day of Oceans and Seas (25 July) Improving Ocean Science-Policy interface (including preparation of technical reports and policy/media briefs on topical issues targeting different audiences Organization of conferences and symposia to provide a forum for interactions between scientists and potential users of knowledge and information that they generate. The importance of coastal and marine resources and environment in Africa is increasing, with the rapidly increasing coastal populations and the establishment and strengthening of industries such as fisheries, energy extraction, and tourism. The Sub Commission will endeavour to provide scientific information targeting different categories users, especially resource managers, research and academic institutions as well as regional and international programmes in order to facilitate the integrated management of the marine and coastal environment and resources. IOCAFRICA focuses on the following areas: Organizations of activities to mark the World Ocean Day and the Africa Day of Oceans and Seas (including artwork and essay competitions for children and youth) Preparation of technical reports and policy/media briefs on topical issues targeting different audiences Organizations of conferences, symposia and workshops to provide a forum for interactions between scientists and potential users of knowledge and information that they generate. The aim is to ensure that marine issues are widely articulated and included in the national development plans of Member States.

Examples of activities implemented/planned 6/2/2018 2015 Artwork competition for children and youth (Africa) 2016 Ocean Science Essay competition (Kenya) Preparation of policy/technical briefs on themes such as Climate Change Adaptation LME: LEARN – Strengthening Governance of LMEs and their coasts through Application of LME/ICM/MPA Knowledge management tools 4th session of IOCAFRICA (6-8 March 2017, Alexandria, Egypt) Pan African Conference on Marine Sciences (October 2018) Examples of relevant activities implemented or planned include: 2015 Artwork competition for children and youth (Africa) 2016 Ocean Science Essay competition (Kenya) Preparation of policy/technical briefs on themes such as Climate Change Adaptation LME: LEARN – Strengthening Governance of LMEs and their coasts through Application of LME/ICM/MPA Knowledge management tools 4th session of IOCAFRICA (6-8 March 2017, Alexandria, Egypt) Pan African Conference on Marine Sciences (October 2018)

Thank you! One Ocean – One Planet www.ioc.unesco.org 6/2/2018 6:28 AM One Ocean – One Planet Thank you! Mika ODIDO (m.odido@unesco.org) IOC Sub Commission for Africa & the Adjacent Island States & Sergio Rejado Albaina (s.rejado-albaina@unesco.org UNESCO Maputo Office We hope that this brief overview has provided you with a useful insight on the activities of IOCAFRICA. We hope that you will be able to play an active role in the activities of UNESCO and its Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission www.ioc.unesco.org 16