About DR UK National charity ‘Disabled people leading change’ Formed in 2012 through merger of Radar, Disability Alliance and NCIL Majority of trustees, staff and volunteers with lived experience of disability Charitable objectives include breaking link between disability and poverty enabling disabled people to achieve independence and control
Core work Information, advice, policy and campaigning services to disabled people and member organisations All information and advice designed by and for disabled people Website reaches 1.5 million people each year Extensive engagement through social media
Projects Working with employers to promote career development opportunities for disabled people Leadership Academy for disabled people already in employment and keen to progress in their careers ‘I Can Make It’campaign to open up employment opportunities for young disabled people
Information and advice Student helpline 0800 328 5050 students@disabilityrightsuk.org Education factsheets including: Funding further education Funding higher education Applying for Disabled Students’ Allowances Telling people you’re disabled – guide for students Understanding the equality act: information for disabled students
Website Under development Good practice resources for education providers in FE Focusing on transition to internships and paid employment Includes video and key learning points
Interest in apprenticeships Support the government’s commitment to creating three million new apprenticeships by 2020 Believe this provides a unique opportunity to help meet another commitment – that of halving the disability employment gap Wish therefore to raise awareness and understanding of ways to make apprenticeships inclusive