Scottish Government Review of Student Support John Kemp, Interim Chief Executive of SFC & Review Group member Student Support Seminar – 1 June 2017
Background Scottish Government manifesto commitment to review student support funding, covering both the FE and HE funding systems, so that “funding follows individual students rather than places of study”. The review was launched on 25 October 2016. Independent review, chaired by Jayne-Anne Gadhia, CEO of Virgin Money. Final outstanding recommendations from SFC 2014 review on hold, whilst the Scottish Government’s review is ongoing.
Jayne-Anne Gadhia and Shirley-Anne Somerville with Forth Valley College Principal, Ken Thomson, and Childcare Students at the launch of the review.
Remit Thoroughly review student support to ensure that the whole system is focused on meeting the needs of all students in FE & HE. Assess the appropriateness and effectiveness of the current systems of support. Ensure that the FE and HE systems are streamlined where possible. Present recommendations for improvement. Take account other SG policies (eg expansion of free early years education and the devolution of some social security powers). Covers all funding streams currently offered to students in Scotland.
Timing Preparations for the review began in the autumn of 2016. Completed phase 1 in May 2017 (sub group work to establish principles and gathering evidence). Original aim to publish interim report in May – shelved because of General Election purdah. Currently considering further consultation activity. Final report is expected by autumn 2017. Implementation of the recommendations will begin in 2019-20 at the earliest.
Phase 1: Sub Group Structure
Group Membership Main group: SAAS, SFC, NUS, Universities Scotland, Colleges Scotland, CPAG, Secondary School rep, Scottish Youth Parliament, IPPR Scotland, Money Advice Scotland, UNISON, Young Scot Finance Group: Scottish Government and Virgin Money Other groups: Members of the main group (Colleges Scotland, Universities Scotland and NUS represented on all groups). Also SLC, Carers Trust, One Parent Families Scot, WhoCares? Scotland, ENABLE/Inclusion Scotland, National Association of Money Advisers), Carnegie Trust, Skills Development Scotland.
Phase 1: Activity Establish Principles Focus groups Consultation with FESSAG and other groups Online Surveys for Student Support staff Student Survey Next phase will consider how the information gathered under phase 1 can be shaped into recommendations. It is likely that this will involve further consultation and focus group work.
Further information Webpage: Twitter account: The SFC funding and policy contact for the review: Sarah Kirkpatrick (0131 313 6696 /