Review of Electron Counting Count the electrons and predict the stability of the following organometallic species Created by Christian R. Goldsmith (Auburn University, and posted on VIPEr ( on February 11, 2015, Copyright Christian R. Goldsmith, 2015. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License. To view a copy of this license visit
Spectroscopy of Carbonyl Complexes Predict order of C-O stretching frequencies: [V(CO)6], [V(CO)6]-, [V(CO)6]2- [Fe(CO)5], [Fe(CO)4(PF3)], [Fe(CO)4(PMe3)]
pKa Values of Metal Carbonyl Hydrides Predict which compound in each pair will have the higher pKa value: [CoH(CO)4], [CoH(CO)3(PF3)] [Fe(H)2(CO)4], [FeH(CO)4]- [Fe(H)2(CO)4], [Fe(H)(Cp)(CO)2] [Fe(H)(Cp)(CO)2], [Os(H)(Cp)(CO)2] Hint: consider Hard Soft Acid Base Theory
Reactivity of Metal Carbonyl Complexes Predict which CO in each sequence is most reactive toward electrophilic attack: [V(CO)6], [V(CO)6]-, [V(CO)6]2- [Fe(CO)5], [Fe(CO)4(PF3)], [Fe(CO)4(PMe3)]