PRESENTATION OUTLINE 1) Introduction: Ocean Economy 2) Introduction: Ocean Economy Focus Areas 3) Ocean Economy 4) Ocean Economy Focus Area Progress
WHAT IS OCEAN ECONOMY Policy development in 2014 Assessment of contribution to - GDP Detailed planning - all stakeholders
OCEAN ECONOMY MANAGEMENT Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Monitoring & evaluation of implementation Department of Environmental Affairs Coordination and reporting
OCEAN ECONOMY Oceans Economy launched 2014. Key achievements to date: Investments amounting to approx. R17 billion. About 4 903 jobs have been created. Economist appointed to verify.
Marine Transport and Manufacturing
INITIATIVES Key examples recommended for MTM Infrastructure and operations Establish purpose-built oil and gas port infrastructure by appointing facility operators – Saldanha Bay Prioritise Transnet and TNPA funding allocation towards marine manufacturing Skills and capacity building Create dedicated OTs for the MTM sector (professional, trades, operators and seafarers) Train 18,172 learners as artisans, semi-skilled workers and professionals over the next 5 years Market Growth Create and implement a public procurement and localisation programme Develop a strategic marketing Propose inclusion of a preferential procurement clause in the African Maritime Charter.
INITIATIVES Key examples recommended for MTM Maintain and refurbish existing facilities Increase usage of ESSA system and targeted career awareness services as a high-value recruitment tool for MTM Increase capacity to develop skills for ~1,200 ratings and ~720 officers per year Support local registry of vessels
MTM ACHIEVEMENTS Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA) Investment opportunities of R7 billion for new and existing port infrastructure. TNPA called for proposal for Offshore Supply Base at the Port of Saldanha: New Berth 205 and the Extension of the Quay at Mossgas – Port of Saldahna Bay
MTM ACHIEVEMENTS Floating Dock for ship repair capacity at the Port of Richards Bay (Initiative 7) Boat building facility at the Port of East London (Initiative 8) Liquid Bulk Terminal at Island View and Port of Durban. TNPA for the Durban cruise Terminal and Cape Town terminal
MARINE TRANSPORT AND MANUFACTURING HIGHLIGHTS South Africa Shipyards in the Port of Durban building 7 tugboats. 2 new vessels, the Aogatowa and the Aukwatowa built in the Port of Cape Town.
INITIATIVES Key initiatives have been identified for offshore oil and gas exploration
OFFSHORE OIL & GAS - POTENTIAL Source: http://www.petroleumagencysa.com/
OFFSHORE OIL AND GAS EXPLORATION ACHIEVEMENTS The DEA, DoE and DPE have entered into a co-funding agreement to fund the Strategic Environmental Assessment for the phased gas pipeline network. The DMR issued fifteen (15) licenses for exploration. The construction of the Burgan Fuel Storage Facility in the Port of Cape Town progressing to 220 construction jobs. Joint industry-government emergency response team established. The International Oil Pollution Compensation (IOPC) Fund paid by the Department of Transport
KEY EXAMPLES RECOMMENDED FOR AQUACULTURE Phase1: Implementation of initiatives in 6 to 12 months Quick wins Phase 2: Implementation of initiatives in 12 to 24 months Phase 3: Implementation of initiatives in 2 to 4 years Establishment of an Inter-Departmental Authorisations Committee Implementation of 6 ready-to-operate projects and selection of additional projects Implementation of 12 ready-to-operate projects and selection of additional projects Establishment of an Aquaculture Development Fund Legislative reform to promote Aquaculture development Capacity building for entire sector Establishment of a globally recognised monitoring and certification system Preferential Procurement of Aquaculture products
AQUACULTURE KEY ACHIEVEMENTS Aquaculture focus area exceeded expectations - thirty two (32) aquaculture projects initiated: Ten projects in production phase (R338 million Government investment of R106 million - 521 realised and committed jobs. The projected increase in production related to investment is 2901 tons – a 175 tons.
AQUACULTURE PROJECTS ACHIEVEMENTS The Aquaculture Bill is currently under review by the state law advisors. The Aquaculture Interdepartmental Authorisations Committee operational
INITIATIVES 10 key initiatives have been proposed to achieve these targets
MPG OCEAN GOVERNANCE OCEAN PROTECTION: ACHIEVEMENTS Marine Saptial Planning Draft Marine Spatial Bill gazetted public comments in March 2016 Comments were collated and the Bill was revised Marine Spatial Planning Framework was gazetted for public comments in August 2016. Comments collated and studied Alignment of the MSP Bill and Framework
SMALL HARBOURS DEVELOPMENT HIGHLIGHTS Small Harbour Lab to commence in 2016: renewal of the existing twelve proclaimed fishing harbours; The development of three non- proclaimed priority harbours. Thirteen projects have been identified. Enormous potential for enhanced integrated local economic development.
IN CONCLUSION 1. MTM Significant progress has been made both with new and existing project 2. OIL AND GAS Progress has been made in environment related initiatives 3. ACQUACULTURE 4. MPG Significance progress has been made with most initiatives