The Middle Years Development Instrument Steps to Administration for Teachers and Principals KEY MESSAGE: The experiences children have in their middle years (ages 6 to 12), have critical and long lasting effects on their development. These experiences, as well as the environments in which children spend their time, are powerful predictors of happiness and success later in life. The MDI provides us with a window into the world of children who are at this critical stage of development. FURTHER READING: © 2015 Human Early Learning Partnership
OVERVIEW Middle Childhood Development The Middle Childhood Development Instrument (MDI) MDI Administration Moving to Action Note to presenter: The key sections for preparation of MDI administration are 1 to 3. The 4. Moving to Action section could be presented in a separate presentation that could also include a presentation of results when available. © 2015 Human Early Learning Partnership
HELP’s Vision KEY MESSAGES: HELP is an interdisciplinary research centre at UBC By participating in this project teachers and students are making a significant contribution to research in Canada IMAGE SOURCE (MUST KEEP IN NOTES SECTION): Family Time by Aaron Groote - Flickr CC Attribution © 2015 Human Early Learning Partnership To create, advance, and apply knowledge through interdisciplinary research to help children and families thrive
TIMELINE OF DEVELOPMENT Birth Adolescence Early Childhood Middle Childhood KEY MESSAGES: In the past, research on child development focused on the significance of both the early years and adolescence. Yet, very little was known about middle childhood (the years from 6 to 12). Previously, it was believed that the middle years were a “latency period,” or a phase of relative stability where development was less dramatic than other stages. © 2015 Human Early Learning Partnership TIMELINE OF DEVELOPMENT
Middle childhood is a transitional time… Cognitively Socially Academically Physically KEY MESSAGES: With increased research on middle childhood, especially in the last 10-15 years, we now know that a number of very critical changes occur during this period of human development: Cognitively children become more self-aware and more aware of others, Socially children’s worlds begin expanding as connections to peers become increasingly important, Academically children begin receiving grades and facing pressure to succeed, Physically children are entering puberty (these changes have begun to present themselves at younger ages than in the past). What happens during the middle years sets children up for how they handle adolescence and adulthood. © 2015 Human Early Learning Partnership Field Trip by Daniel O'Neil - Flickr CC Attribution
Dr. Kimberly Schonert-Reichl Director, HELP Professor, Faculty of Education at UBC KEY MESSAGES: Dr. Kimberly Schonert-Reichl is HELP’s Director, she is an applied developmental psychologist and professor in Education at UBC. She began her career as a teacher in middle school and high school. Kim is internationally recognized as an expert in the area of social and emotional learning (SEL) research with children and adolescents. © 2015 Human Early Learning Partnership
Social & Emotional Learning (SEL): A Growing Movement NOTE TO TRAINERS Play Video here. You will need speakers. Click on the image to open the video in youtube: Once the video is finished, press ENTER and it will advance to the next slide. If the link does not work, please refer to “Resources for Training MDI Administrators” tab on the MDI National Scale-out Pilot Project Administrator’s blog, which can be found here: © 2015 Human Early Learning Partnership
KEY MESSAGES: The MDI is a self-report survey available for grade 4 and grade 7 students. Why Grade 4 and 7 students? Why not older students? These ages are particularly important to be able to prevent problems before they arise. The time between Grade 4 and Grade 7 (ages 9 to 12) is a transitional periods in development in which we know there is increased risk but also increased opportunity to make a difference. During the MDI National Scale-out Pilot Project, many locations are beginning to implement the MDI by administering to either Grade 4 or Grade 7 only. Full implementation for both grades is available and being considered based on each location’s needs. © 2015 Human Early Learning Partnership
Completed in Grade 4 and Grade 7 KEY MESSAGES: The MDI is completed by Grade 4 and/or Grade 7 students. Students complete the MDI online during class time, under teacher or principal supervision. Previous research has found that responses from children in grade 4 and above are as reliable and valid as responses from adults. Further Reading on the validity of children’s self-report: Schonert-Reichl, K., Guhn, M., Gadermann, A., Hymel, S., Sweiss, L., & Hertzman, C. (2013). Development and validation of the Middle Years Development Instrument (MDI): Assessing children’s well-being and assets across multiple contexts. Social Indicators Research, 114(2): 345-369. Varni, J. , Limbers, C. , & Burwinkle, T.(2007). How young can children reliably and validly self-report their health-related quality of life?: An analysis of 8,591 children across age subgroups with the PedsQL™ 4.0 Generic Core Scales. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 5(1): 1-13. © 2015 Human Early Learning Partnership Completed in Grade 4 and Grade 7 Computer Lab 4th Grade by Woodleywonderworks - Flickr CC Attribution
Measures areas of development strongly linked to well-being, health and academic achievement. KEY MESSAGES: The MDI measures areas of development strongly linked to well-being, health and academic achievement. © 2015 Human Early Learning Partnership Engineering Camp by Texas A&M University - Flickr CC Attribution
was developed through… KEY MESSAGES: The MDI was developed by a UBC research team led by Dr. Kimberley Schonert-Reichl, with considerable input from children, parents, teachers and community groups, including the United Way of the Lower Mainland. Questions were assembled from surveys previously used and validated with children. FURTHER READING: Read more about the development of the MDI: “Middle Childhood Inside and Out: The Psychological and Social Worlds of Canadian Children Aged 9-12” © 2015 Human Early Learning Partnership A collaborative process, involving scientific experts, teachers, community members, etc.
About the It is… A population (or large group) measure A way to understand trends in the development of children in the middle years It is not… An individual or diagnostic measure A way to evaluate teachers or individual programs KEY MESSAGES: MDI is a population-based survey Tells us only about groups, neighbourhoods or broader geographic regions. Allows us to see population trends in children’s well-being Not used to evaluate teachers or schools Children fill out the survey themselves at school, it is administered by teachers or a principal. The MDI measures developmental assets with a focus of the promotion of resiliency and protective factors. © 2015 Human Early Learning Partnership
Why is it important? KEY MESSAGES: The overall health and well-being of children in their middle years affects their ability to concentrate and learn, develop and maintain friendships, and make thoughtful decisions. Although middle childhood is a time of risk, it is also a time of opportunity. The MDI allows us to see trends in how children are doing over time. MDI results provide educators, parents, researchers, community organizations, and policy makers with information about the psychological and social worlds of children during middle childhood. By reviewing and sharing MDI results, the opinions and concerns of children are validated and decision-makers are better prepared to move toward actions that will create supportive environments where children can thrive. © 2015 Human Early Learning Partnership Why is it important?
Linking Early and Middle Childhood KEY MESSAGES: The Early Development Instrument is a population health measure that Kindergarten teachers fill out about their students. This instrument is widely used throughout all of Canada. The EDI measures social, physical and cognitive development of children, and reflect the experiences of children from birth to school entry. The EDI and MDI allow communities to monitor how children are doing from the early to middle years. © 2015 Human Early Learning Partnership
MDI Focus Development of the “Whole Child” KEY MESSAGES: The MDI is a unique tool because it is not limited to one aspect of development, but instead measures a number of domains that include physical, mental and emotional in order to give a full picture of the child. It asks children about their experiences inside and outside of school. © 2015 Human Early Learning Partnership Hike by Daniel ONeil - Flickr CC Attribution
Upholding the Rights of the Child Article 12: Children have a right to give their opinion and be listened to by the adults around them KEY MESSAGES: The MDI upholds Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which emphasizes the importance of children’s voices. “When adults are making decisions that affect children, children have the right to say what they think should happen and have their opinions taken into account.” (United Nations, 1989). The MDI gives us insight into areas that have great significance in children’s lives but are not typically evaluated by other assessments. Rather than evaluating academic progress, the MDI gives children an opportunity to communicate their experiences, feelings and wishes. Children feel very much empowered when they are confident that their thoughts and perspectives are being taken seriously by the adults in their lives. FURTHER READING: A full copy of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child: Equitas: International Center for Human Rights Education: © 2015 Human Early Learning Partnership
26 school districts 33,299 children MDI History in BC 26 school districts 33,299 children KEY MESSAGES: Since 2010, 26 school districts have participated in the MDI. This includes 33,299 Grade 4 and Grade 7 children. While the MDI has it’s roots in BC, it has been administered internationally (e.g. Australia) and is being piloted across Canada beginning in 2016. © 2015 Human Early Learning Partnership
5 DIMENSIONS OF THE MDI Social & Emotional Development Physical Health & Well-Being Connectedness Use of After-School Time School Experiences KEY MESSAGES: There are five dimensions of the MDI. Each dimension is made up of several measures. Social and emotional development, including optimism, self-esteem, happiness, empathy, and prosocial behaviour, sadness and worries. Physical health and well-being including overall health, body image, mealtime and sleep experiences. Connectedness to adults and peers. Use of after-school time measuring involvement in after school activities, unstructured activities and what children wish to be doing. School experiences including belonging, victimization, academic concept and school climate. © 2015 Human Early Learning Partnership
How do you administer the ? KEY MESSAGES: This next section highlights the details of how principals and teachers administer the MDI with their students.
MDI SURVEY ADMINISTRATOR ROLE Your role in understanding the data collection process and in guiding your students carefully through the survey completion process is critical. We would like to take this time to say thank you for your interest and participation.
PRIVACY AND CONFIDENTIALITY Behavioural Research Ethics Board (BREB) of UBC approved. All information collected is kept confidential and used for research purposes only. Parents are informed; participation is voluntary; consent is passive. No child or teacher is ever identified in our reporting. KEY MESSAGES: The privacy of children, families and teachers is paramount All information that is collected is kept confidential and used statistical purposes only All information is kept at HELP and personal identifiers are stripped from the data
PARTICIPATION IS VOLUNTARY Parent letters must be sent home 4 weeks prior to the survey date. Parents/guardians can return a withdrawal form to the classroom teacher if they do not wish their child to participate. Students may opt out at any time, even after they complete the survey. KEY MESSAGES: Participation is voluntary for teachers, parents and students. Parents/guardians receive information letters 4 weeks prior to survey administration outlining the details of participation in the MDI, and can choose to withdrawal by contacting the classroom teacher, or returning a withdrawal form to the classroom teacher (last page of the parent letter). Students may opt out at anytime, even after they complete the survey. The assent script read aloud at the beginning of the survey that outlines this option There is a “withdrawal” button at the bottom of each page of the survey
MDI ADMINISTRATION STEPS Before the day of MDI administration Review helpful materials* MDI Survey Administration Guide MDI Instructional Survey *Materials posted on MDI Administrator’s Blog and e-MDI website KEY MESSAGES: The MDI Teacher/Principal Administration Guide outlines the steps to MDI administration in detail. The MDI Instructional Survey is used the day of MDI administration assist teachers and principals in guiding students through the survey.
MDI ADMINISTRATION STEPS Before the day of MDI administration Log on to the e-MDI to 1. Review class list 2. Print student logins KEY MESSAGES: It is recommended to log in to the e-MDI at least a few days before you plan to administer the survey to review your class list and print student passwords.
PASSWORD RESET EMAIL KEY MESSAGES: If you do not receive a password reset email, contact your school district representative. Password reset emails sent to teacher and principals before administration. Create a password and log in with your School District email address to Teacher/Administrator login page KEY MESSAGES: Visit Click on Teacher/Administrator Login Teacher/Administrator login page
1. REVIEW CLASS LIST KEY MESSAGES: If a student is missing from the class list that has been in a teacher’s class for 30 days or more (and the parent/guardian received the letter): They can click on “Options” and select “Add Student” PENS (or student numbers) must be accurate!: The system will not duplicate a PEN number If a child left the class or a parent withdraws their child from the study, remove the child from the class list Delete the child by following these steps: selecting the child’s name to view the student info page Selecting “options / Edit” to move to the editing page for child info Selecting “Options / Delete” Confirming the deletion and the reason why Under Add/Delete Students you can review your class list and add or delete students. For detailed instructions, review the Administrator’s Guide.
2. PRINT STUDENT LOGINS KEY MESSAGES: Print student logins to distribute on the day of survey administration. Print Student Logins. Students can only log in when the survey is unlocked. You can also Preview Survey.
2. PRINT STUDENT LOGINS KEY MESSAGES: Print off the student login page, you can cut it into strips to distribute to individual students. Print Student Logins. Cut into strips to distribute, collect after administration.
3. INFORM SCHOOL COUNSELLOR KEY MESSAGES: We recommend informing the school counsellor that the survey is taking place in case anything arises for a student and he/she wishes to speak further. Tavola Elementary Ribbon Cutting and Meet the Teacher by Jill Carlson - Flickr CC Attribution
MDI ADMINISTRATION STEPS On the day of MDI administration Unlock the survey (default is 4 hours) Prepare computer lab/classroom set of computers Help students log in Administer the MDI Follow up with student help requests Complete the feedback form (optional) KEY MESSAGES: You will need 1 to 2 class periods to administer the MDI. Grade 4 students usually need 2 class periods, and Grade 7 students usually need 1 class period. Please allow for 10 to 15 minutes for students to login to the survey.
1. UNLOCK THE SURVEY KEY MESSAGES: To protect the security of student logins, they can only access the survey when it has been “Unlocked” by the teacher or principal. Once the survey is complete, please collect logins and lock the survey again. The survey automatically locks after 4 hours. You can unlock the survey as often as needed. Under Unlock Survey & Print Passwords you can unlock the survey so that students can log in. Once students are finished, lock the survey again. This prevents students from logging in outside the session. The survey will lock automatically after 4 hours. You can also Preview Survey.
2. PREPARE CLASSROOM/COMPUTER LAB KEY MESSAGES: Prepare the computer lab under test conditions (have space between students if possible). Have a classroom set of headphones available, or provide headphones for students that may benefit from the “read aloud” function. Prepare an alternate activity related to regular classroom activity for students that are not participating. Test conditions Headphones (optional for voiceover) Prepare work for students that are not participating
3. STUDENT LOG-IN Direct students to to log in. KEY MESSAGES: Distribute student logins and direct them to Optional - Project the survey to follow along (select “Preview Survey” under Step 2) The best web browsers for the MDI survey are Firefox, Chrome and Safari. Direct students to to log in.
4. ADMINISTER THE MDI Use the Instructional Survey to guide your students in completing the MDI. *IMPORTANT* Read aloud the assent script to students before they start. Read the Demographics questions and Instructions section aloud. Contains tips and instructions for survey administration throughout. KEY MESSAGES: The Instructional Survey is the survey you will use to guide your students. It is identical to the online survey except it contains an assent script for you to read aloud before you start. The assent script describes what students will be doing and informs them that they can choose not to participate. Please read aloud the assent script so that students understand the purpose of the survey, confidentiality of responses, and that their participation is voluntary. After reading the assent script aloud, begin the survey by reading aloud the questions of the demographics section: “Please tell us a bit about yourself” and the “Instructions” section answering the sample questions together. After that, the students can read the questions on their own and request assistance as needed. The instructional survey also contains tips and instructions for survey administrators throughout the document. While administering the survey, please remain neutral (e.g., refrain from making jokes or additional comments). If a student asks a question about any particular item that is confusing to him/her please do not provide your own interpretation to the student, rather, re-read the question, directing it to the individual student (i.e., “What would you say to me if I said – READ QUESTION - ?”). To ensure privacy and confidentiality, and to help students feel that their answers will be kept private, we ask that you do not look at students’ responses on their surveys while the students complete the survey. However, do observe your students’ behaviours to ensure that disruptions do not occur or that students do not try to look at other students’ responses.
WHILE ADMINISTERING THE SURVEY Remain neutral (e.g. refrain from making jokes or additional comments). If a student asks for clarification, re-read the question, directing it at the individual student: “What would you say to me if I said – QUESTION -?” To protect student’s privacy, do not look at students responses and ensure that students do not look at others responses. KEY MESSAGES: While administering the survey, please remain neutral (e.g., refrain from making jokes or additional comments). If a student asks a question about any particular item that is confusing to him/her please do not provide your own interpretation to the student, rather, re-read the question, directing it to the individual student (i.e., “What would you say to me if I said – READ QUESTION - ?”). To ensure privacy and confidentiality, and to help students feel that their answers will be kept private, we ask that you do not look at students’ responses on their surveys while the students complete the survey. However, do observe your students’ behaviours to ensure that disruptions do not occur or that students do not try to look at other students’ responses.
5. STUDENT HELP REQUESTS Check your email for any Student Help Requests. Please follow your school’s protocol for following up with students. KEY MESSAGES: Because of the questions related to peer victimization, a student help request option is available following the survey. Students are asked whether they would like to talk to their teachers or principal about a problem they are having. If a student selects “Yes, I would like help”, an email is sent directly to the classroom teacher and/or principal with the name of the student that requested help. HELP does not see these student requests unless the email fails (in that case we will follow up with the teacher/principal). Please follow your school’s protocol for following up with students. You do not need to let HELP know about the outcome of the follow up. Participating teachers and principals have shared that help requests are an opportunity to hear from a student that they may not have been aware is having a problem.
6. OPTIONAL FEEDBACK FORM We’d appreciate your feedback on your experience with the MDI Your feedback is anonymous and is used to improve MDI administration for teachers/administrators and students.
MOVING TO ACTION With MDI Results KEY MESSAGES: The MDI by itself will not affect change. Here are some suggestions for Moving to Action with MDI results, which will be available in the Spring. © 2015 Human Early Learning Partnership Skateboarding by snre - Flickr CC Attribution
Who uses MDI Data Community Planners Funding Agencies Children Children’s Organizations Parents Policy Makers KEY MESSAGES: Many individuals and organizations use MDI data to inform activities and planning in schools, communities and homes. © 2015 Human Early Learning Partnership Sports and Recreation Associations Health Agencies Educators
© 2015 Human Early Learning Partnership Think BIG but Start Small KEY MESSAGES: The MDI provides a lot of rich data. It is very easy to feel overwhelmed by all of the potential ways that schools, communities and governments could begin using the data to improve child well-being. Moving to action will be more successful if you are able to focus your efforts on 1 or 2 areas for improvement instead of trying to change everything all at once. © 2015 Human Early Learning Partnership
KEY MESSAGES: Involve children as much as possible in the interpretation of the data. Explore opportunities to collect feedback from children on how both the school and the community can better serve their needs. Ask children of all ages for suggestions on how to improve their school climate and after-school experiences. Teachers may wish to incorporate the interpretation of MDI data into their classroom curriculum. Children tend to offer surprisingly creative solutions that can often be implemented easily and at no cost. © 2015 Human Early Learning Partnership Involve Children
Community Stories KEY MESSAGES: Add your own stories about middle years initiatives around SEL, health and well-being in your school district and/or community IMAGE SOURCE (MUST KEEP IN NOTES SECTION): Community Yard Sale by USAG Humphreys - flickr cc attribution © 2015 Human Early Learning Partnership
© 2015 Human Early Learning Partnership Check Out the MDI Toolkit KEY MESSAGES: The Human Early Learning Partnership has created an online ‘Tools for Action’: a source for resources that will help schools and communities interpret and act upon the data included in the MDI reports. You will find videos, worksheets, slide decks, print resources and examples of how other communities have used their MDI data to move to action. © 2015 Human Early Learning Partnership
CONTACTS IN YOUR DISTRICT School District Contact(s) Community Middle Years Representative(s) KEY MESSAGES: Please insert your local School District and Community Middle Years contact information, and any other local resources/contacts.
CONTACTS AT HELP MDI National Implementation Coordinator (604) 827-5504 Lisa Pedrini National Toll Free Number: MDI National Scale-out Manager 1-888-908-4050 (604) 822-0066 KEY MESSAGES: These are the main contacts at HELP that are available to answer questions before and during MDI administration. For fastest assistance, email or call (604) 827-5504. © 2015 Human Early Learning Partnership
THANK YOU! Thanks again for your interest and participation!