The cell.


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Presentation transcript:

The cell

Learning goals We are learning to identify the parts of the cell. We are learning to locate the cell parts on a diagram.

Cell theory reminder 1. All living things are made up of cells. 2. All cells come from pre-existing cells. 3. The Cell is the basic functional unit of life. 4. The total activity of an organism is equal to the sum of the activities of all of its cells.

organelles Tiny structures within the cell Work together to carry out specific functions

Animal cell 1. cytoplasm 4. mitochondria 2. Cell membrane 5. vacuole 6. nucleus 3. cilia 7. chromosomes

Plant cell 8. nucleus 11. mitochondria 9. Cell wall 12. vacuole 10. cytoplasm 13. chloroplast

cytoplasm Jelly like fluid Supports and nurtures cell organelles

Cell membrane Separates inside from outside of cell Controls movement in and out

cilia Tail like structure aiding in movement of cell

mitochondria Powerhouse of the cell Releases energy for the cell

vacuole Stores water and other nutrients for the cell One large one in plants Several smaller ones in animals

nucleus Controls all cell activities

chromosomes Genetic information found in nucleus

Cell wall Protects plant cell Gives support

chloroplasts Makes food for PLANT cells

differences - Can make their own food - Cannot make their own food Plant Cells Animal Cells - Can make their own food - Cannot make their own food - Have cell walls - Do NOT have cell walls - Tend to be square or rectangular in shape - Tend to be round or oval in shape - Are relatively large in size - Are relatively small in size - Can have chloroplasts - NEVER have chloroplasts

Learning goals We are learning to identify the parts of the cell. We are learning to locate the cell parts on a diagram.