Warm Up!!! What was the Protestant Reformation? Who started it and how? Who was King Henry VIII? What church did he start and why? If you were a leader of the Catholic Church, and all of your followers were leaving the church for Protestantism, what would you do to stop them? Why?
Did YOU Know?!? The average American consumes 1.2 pounds of spider eggs a year!! And…to gross you out even further… The average American eats 2.5 pounds of insect parts a year!!
The Catholic (Counter) Reformation Introduction Most people in Spain, France, And Italy remained Catholic Closer to the Pope To counter the Protestants, the Catholics attempted to reform their own church Spain France Italy
Reforming Catholicism To compete with the Protestant religion, the Catholic church attempted to regain power by: Reforming indulgence sales Creating the Jesuit order (missionaries) Beginning the Inquisition Enforcing Catholic Church doctrine by any means necessary Called Council of Trent
Actions of the Council of Trent: Revised basic Church principles The church’s interpretation of the Bible is the final word, all others is heresy Salvation comes through faith and good works, not faith alone Biblical and church traditions were equally important Indulgence sales were legitimate, but could not be abused!
Catholicism!! Spread of Catholicism Ignatius of Loyola founded the Jesuits to spread Catholicism Missionaries who sought to teach and convert Set up schools Converted non- Christians Tried to stop the spread of Protestantism Catholicism!!
Did YOU Know…Continued! If you are right handed, you will tend to chew your food on your right side. If you are left handed, you will tend to chew your food on your left side. The reason honey is so easy to digest is that it’s already been digested by a bee. It cost 7 million dollars to build the Titanic and 200 million to make a film about it.
A Divided Europe Protestant! Catholic!! Introduction After the Reformation and Catholic Reformation, Europe was not unified under the Catholic Church. Divided Europe into Protestant North and Catholic South Protestant! Catholic!!
A Divided Germany Hapsburgs Support… Peace of Augsburg Allowed German princes to establish their region’s religion Hapsburg family, a ruling family in Germany, decided to continue to support the Catholic Church. Princes in Northern Germany decided to make their land’s religion Protestantism. Ends the authority of the Pope Hapsburgs Support…
Inbred Hapsburgs!?!
= Northern Europe Favored Protestantism Princes had more power because they were not controlled by the Pope. Were not obligated to send money or support to the Pope. Protestant =
Conflicts in France The 30 Years War began as a religious battle between Catholics and Protestants. Cardinal Richelieu transformed the war from religious to political. These wars resulted in the Edict of Nantes Granted religious freedom to Huguenots (French Protestants)