GUY FAWKES DAY OR BONFIRE NIGHT In England, Guy Fawkes Day is celebrated on November 5th. But what's this celebration ? Who was Guy Fawkes ?
Guy Fawkes Day is also called the Gunpowder Plot. On November 5th, 1605, Guy Fawkes, a Catholic mercenary , and his friends wanted to kill King James Ist ( the first), a Protestant, with the explosion of the Parliament. But they were discovered and arrested.
WHAT HAPPENED TO GUY FAWKES ? He was arrested by the Royal Guards. He was condemned to be executed as a traitor. Bonfires were lit in London and November 5th became an annual public day.
How is Guy Fawkes Day celebrated ? On November 5th ,people wear masks and walk in procession in the streets. Children ask for money « a penny for the Guy » The effigy of Guy Fawkes is burnt on a bonfire and there are fireworks in London.
The GUY FAWKES DAY song On November 5th everyone in the street sing this song to commemorate the capture of Guy Fawkes. Veuillez vous rappeler Le cinq novembre, La poudre à canon, la trahison et la conspiration. Je ne connais pas de raison Pour laquelle la trahison des poudres Devrait un jour être oubliée.