Principles of Government Separation of Powers Limited government federalism Principles of Government Republicanism 7.14A: identify how the Texas Constitution reflects the principle of limited government, checks and balances, federalism, separation of powers, popular sovereignty, and individual rights. Popular Sovereignty Checks and Balances Individual Rights
Vocabulary Term Definition Written example Illustration Sentence
Republicanism A government where the citizens elect representatives to make their laws The students elect representatives to their student council. When voters go to the polls, you see republicanism in action.
Limited Government All parts of government must obey the law Teachers and students must follow a dress code Because of limited government, no one is above the law.
Separation of Powers (pg 624) Each of the three branches of government has its own responsibilities Although the staff is responsible for student safety, you would go to the nurse for a band aid. Because of the separation of powers, no one group can gain too much authority.
Checks and Balances (pg 624) A plan to keep any part of government from becoming too powerful When you choose your electives, a parent signature of approval is required. Checks and balances insures that one branch of government can not take total control.
Popular Sovereignty (pg 623) The concept that political power belongs to the people When you and your friends go to the movies, you might vote to determine which movie you will see. Voting is the power of popular sovereignty.
Individual Rights (pgs 623/625) Basic liberties and rights of all citizens are guaranteed in the Bill of Rights Students have the right to a safe education. We are guaranteed individual rights in the Constitution.
Federalism allows the levels of government to work together. Federalism (pg 624) The sharing of powers and duties between the federal and state government Parents: taking care of the household School: education, safety of students Federalism allows the levels of government to work together.
Principles of Government found on G: drive/ Fall Semester/1st Six Weeks Response Question How might your life be different if you were a part of a society that did not have these principles of government? Which of the principles do you think is most important and why? Which of the principles to you think our society could do without and still be a democracy?