Imperialism through the Ottoman Empire and India
Agenda Bell Ringer: Review of Africa, Direct vs Indirect Control, and the Berlin Conference. Lecture: Imperialism in India and the decline of the Ottoman Empire. (20) 3. Imperialism Discussion (30) HW: Jared Diamond Reading will be given out next class. Be prepared to write on the effects of Imperialism.
Ottomans Lose Power Weakening over 300 years. Weak rulers, weaker country. Attempts to modernize were not successful. Landlocked countries attempt to take parts of the Empire. Geopolitics- Taking land for strategic purposes.
Crimean War (1853-1856) War between Russians and Ottomans to gain territory near Black Sea. Britain and France join forces against the Russians, but Ottoman Empire still weakened.
Suez Canal Egypt built it with funds from industrialized nations, mainly France. After the country could not repay debt ($450 Million), Britain assumes control of the Canal. Allows for quick access to India from England via the Mediterranean. British begins occupation in 1882.
Imperialism in India East India Company set up trading posts, and then took control of India. Armies called “Sepoys” with little interference from Britain. India is major supplier of raw materials. Limits set. Only British can purchase raw materials, and only India can buy British goods.
Colonialism in India Railroad established. Major conflicts aid in the economics development of India. Modern road network, sanitation, and life improved. British has all power. Cash crops = lower food production, starvation.
Indians Rebel! Sepoy Mutiny 1857- bullet cartridges sealed with animal fat. Hindus and Muslims enraged, lack of respect for their culture. Soldiers were jailed, massive fighting until additional troops sent from Britain. Same as Africa, lack of solidarity.
Effects of Mutiny Direct Control established in India. 1858. Raj- India divided into provinces, controlled by British officials. Racist attitudes flourish. Distrust between Indians and British.
Debate The class will be split in half to begin a debate on Imperialism. Team 1: You are to debate the positive worldwide effects of imperialism, and how it was a good thing. Team 2: You are to debate that imperialism was a negative event on the world stage. Each team will have 10 minutes to prepare the argument, and establish guidelines for those speaking. Everyone MUST contribute.
Rules for Debate Everyone must contribute. If someone speaks out of turn, they will lose points on their grade. Self-regulate, if you notice one person is dominating the conversation, ask them to allow someone else to speak. Responses are limited to 45 seconds.