Personal ID Review Sheet Key By, Mrs. Murray ASL 1 2017
What are the five ways to get the attention of people who are Deaf What are the five ways to get the attention of people who are Deaf? Give a description of each way. 1. Wave- To get the attention of one person or a group. Wave low, not up in the air like an airplane. 2.Tap Arm or Shoulder- to get the attention of a single person. 3. Tap Table- Use to get one person or a few people at a table. Small tables usually work best. 4. Flicker the lights- Used to get the attention of a group of Deaf people in places like classrooms. 5.Stomp on the floor- Can only be done on wooden floors because it causes a vibration that alerts the Deaf person.
What direction does our palm face for most of the alphabet? Out!
For numbers 1-5 what direction is our palm facing?
For numbers 6-10 what direction is our palm facing? Out!
Please define deaf. Has a hearing loss. Goes to a mainstream school. Part of hearing culture. Uses English or Signed English to communicate.
Please define Deaf. Has a hearing loss. Goes to a Residential School for the Deaf. Part of Deaf Culture. Uses ASL to communicate.
What do deaf and Deaf people have in common? They cannot hear!
When do we fingerspell? Give 3 examples of words you can fingerspell. When signing nouns. Ex: T-A-C-O B-E-L-L, T-R-A-N-S-F-O-R-M-E-R-S, R-E-D L-O-B-S-T-E-R
What do our eyebrows tell us when we are signing? They tell you if you are signing a question. Whq- Eyebrows down Y/Nq- Eyebrows up Make sure you can draw them on the test!!!!
What does it mean if a word has – between it. For example: A-N-N-A. The word gets fingerspelled.
What information are you expected as a hearing person to give a deaf person when you meet? Full name If you are deaf or hearing. Where you are from.(Deaf try to find a person you might know in common.) Where you go to school.(In case they know somebody.) Who is teaching you ASL. (To see if they know your teacher.
First School For the Deaf A. To find deaf eduction. B. Laurent Clerc C. 1817 D. Thomas Gallaudet & Laurent Clerc E. Hartford Connecticut F. So the students could live there.
1. What is your name. YOUR NAME WHAT. 2. Where do you live 1. What is your name? YOUR NAME WHAT? 2. Where do you live? YOU LIVE WHERE? 3. It is nice to meet you. NICE MEET YOU. 4. My name is Jenna. MY NAME J-E-N-N-A. 5. I am from California. I CALIFORNIA FROM.
Why do Deaf people try to identify somebody they might mutually know upon meeting a new person? To try and make a common connection or bond. Deaf people in their culture are like a family and they like to make new connections.