AD Horn upgrade HV generators TE-ABT-KSC V. Namora 19-06-2017
Scope baseline: - Upgrade switches (replace ignitrons with mercury) - Leak trays installation (environmental protection) TE-ABT-KSC V. Namora 19-06-2017
Parts to be bought with the remaining budget: - All Mechanic parts necessary to built 20 switches (18 operation + 2 spares) (price inquiry ongoing, estimation of ~70kCHF) Cost Baseline: - 2017 (150 kCHF – to buy mechanical parts, trigger transformers, diodes and manpower to assemble switches) - 2018 (60 kCHF – to buy leak trays, polymer laboratory & other accessories) - 2019 (35 kCHF – mainly manpower to disassemble & assemble cubicles) - 2020 (15 kCHF - mainly manpower to assemble cubicles in B.195) - Total of ~260kCHF TE-ABT-KSC V. Namora 19-06-2017
Schedule Baseline: - 2017 (to assemble the switches, not installed in the cubicles) - 2019 (disassemble old cubicles, install new switches, leak trays and others small upgrades) - 2020 (installation of cubicles in B.195) The assembly of the switches during 2017 allows to relieve manpower during the LS2. FSU Needs: 0,5 FTE.years TE-ABT-KSC V. Namora 19-06-2017