Credible sources: what are they and where do I find them? Libraries can supply books & journals for you to study in the library or borrow: Forest Hill School library catalogue is available online Lewisham libraries catalogue is available online Goldsmith University Library catalogue is available online
Many libraries organise books using the DEWEY SYSTEM 100 400 700 500 200 800 600 900 Designed by Sarah Pavey, Epsom College Librarian, 2006 300 000
More credible sources… Other resources include: Peer reviewed journals Published research Primary sources such as newspaper articles of the time Check out the links on the next few slides for places you can access these sources online. How do you access these sources – not from a normal google search! KHS, Librarian FHS 2017
Available online from Lewisham Libraries Access to Research – published academic research Credo Reference – Large online reference library including encyclopaedias, books of quotations, and subject-specific titles Oxford Dictionary of National Bibliography Newspaper archives - Times Digital Archive, Illustrated London News, 19th Century British Newspapers Oxford Music Online & Oxford Art Online KHS, Librarian FHS 2017
Available online from FHS library Issues Online: A comprehensive reference source addressing contemporary social issues, a wide range of information including: articles with news and views on each topic, key facts, key statistics, lobby group links, newspaper archives, reference sites, research guides. There are a variety of opinions available on each topic. KHS, Librarian FHS 2017
Freely available online Directory of Open Access Journals: An online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals Google Scholar: A large search engine that indexes the full text or metadata of scholarly literature across an array of disciplines. Some is abstracted, some if reproduced in full Google Books: A service that searches the full text of books and magazines that Google has scanned in. Some books are available in part and some are available in full KHS, Librarian FHS 2017
Freely available online Original books from the British Library - including the Lindisfane Gospels, Leonardo da Vinci's notebook, Mozart's musical diary, Jane Austen's early work in her own hand and the first atlas of Europe The Big Think - research and discussion website "a global forum connecting people and ideas“ Podcasts of lectures and debates from Oxford University Ted Talks – by “Thinkers. Doers. Idea-generators” KHS, Librarian FHS 2017
Search tools to find other resources: Google Advanced Search - specify which format you want results in (eg. Ppt), exactly what you are looking for, how recent the information should be, etc find results from MANY searches at once: KHS, Librarian FHS 2017
Cite your sources! Don’t forget to reference your sources, these sites can help: Interactive tutorial Reference generator University guide to referencing KHS, Librarian FHS 2017