“Didactic games as means of learning reading in grades 5-9” Working experience Alla Levytska The teacher of English School №2 of Khorostkiv Pedagogical credo: “ If you have patience, and you are hardworking ,the seeds of knowledge, that have been sowed will certainly give good shoots.” Leonardo da Vinci
The most important task, defined by the National doctrine of education development in Ukraine, is to educate comprehensively developed personality, who is able to communicate in multicultural environment. Importance of experience The main task Writing Speaking To develop practical skills Listening Reading
The main idea The aim of experience Innovation of experience To form a stable interest to the study of foreign language The aim of experience To find and learn pedagogical reasons, which can help to develop pupils’ reading skills at English lessons. Innovation of experience Changing traditional approaches to teaching English . Using different kinds of innovating technologies.
The scientific-theoretical study of ways and means for development pupil’s reading skills Writers: Sukhomlynskyi Makarenko Psychologist: N. Kudykina, S. Vorobyova
Methodological study of ways and means of development pupil’s reading skills Innovating methods Project work Team work Interactive learning
Teaching process at school № 2 of Khorostkiv Afterschool activities Lessons Afterschool activities methods kinds kinds Methods Lesson Individual Presentation Communicative Thematic exhibitions Team-work Audio-lingual Competitions Audio- visual Presentation
Project work
Interactive technologies Cooperative learning Role play
Using computers at English lessons Mc Power Point Paint Video
After-school activities
Pupil Pupil’s educational levels ‘
Activities and achivements 2009-lesson visited by parents (2 form) 2010- London –the capital of Great Britain 2012-Olympic Games (lesson for a young teacher) 2013-English week 2013- St. Valentine’s Day 2014-Spring holidays English competition (Inna Popovych-III) Greenwich