2017-2018 NPHS Dance Team Tryouts
Deadlines for 2017-2018 NPHS Dance Team Tryouts Friday May 19, 2017 Dance Team application form due (front cover with photo), along with Activity Participation forms, including a current physical from Kathy Barker in the office (athletic packet on athletics website) Tuesday May 30, 2017 Dance Auditions 4:00-5:30pm first cut in the GAR (Dancers will learn a warm-up and across-the floor movement) 5:30-7:00pm continuing dancers will learn a jazz combo and a few across the floor combos for auditions Thursday June 1, 2017 Final Dance Team Auditions 4:00 – 7:00pm (GAR) Includes: across-the-floor auditions and jazz combo Tuesday June 6, 2017 Mandatory First Dance Team meeting 3:30-5pm (GAR)
Download here: Application Form http://nphsdance.org Under “Meet Our Team” Click on Paperwork and Athletic Clearance
NEWBURY PARK HIGH SCHOOL DANCE TEAM APPLICATION/CONTRACT TIME COMMITMENT: A year-long program Summer Practice (July-August twice a week); 2 Dance Camps in the Summer (July 20-23 & July 28-30) School Schedule: Practice Monday – Friday during 5th period Extra Rehearsals on the weekend may be added for competition routines Team performs at school rallies, selected home football, basketball, baseball and lacrosse games, Winter & Spring Dance Concerts, and other outside events Approximately 6 dance competitions January – March on the weekends
NEWBURY PARK HIGH SCHOOL DANCE TEAM APPLICATION/CONTRACT TEAM FUNDRAISERS: 100% participation by dancers and their parents is expected. Without the assistance of fundraising, the Dance Team cannot operate or compete effectively The first team fundraiser is the Kids Summer Clinic (August)
NEWBURY PARK HIGH SCHOOL DANCE TEAM APPLICATION/CONTRACT APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS: Each applicant must have a 2.0 GPA or higher to participate on Dance Team ATTENDANCE: Each applicant must have the signature of the attendance officer to verify good attendance (90% or higher). CONDUCT: Applicants must have the signature of the Dean of Activities or Assistant Principal to verify satisfactory conduct in school. After auditions, new team members will be required to sign a “Code of Conduct” form.
NEWBURY PARK HIGH SCHOOL DANCE TEAM APPLICATION/CONTRACT SELECTION PROCESS AND EXPECTATIONS: All new 2017-2018 team members will be selected from a combination of each round of scores, their school attendance and GPA. A list of results will be posted online Friday, June 2nd at 5:00 PM posted at http://www.nphsdance.org/ We are in search of dancers that are motivated, hard working, committed, confident, poised, genuine, friendly, and have positive attitudes. We are looking for dancers that have initiative and want to improve their dance skills. We want those that have a passion for dance!
APPLICATION DUE BY MAY 19TH, 2017 The application form (page 2) needs to be turned into the Activities office or the dance director (KATELYN MILLER) along with the Activity Participation forms (this includes a current physical on file) Without these items turned in by the specified date, dancers may not audition Email katelynmiller@conejousd.org if you have any further questions.