Revision 5 Learning Objectives: To be able to distinguish between environmental and economic factors. To understand how to identify key terms and brainstorm them to write an answer.
Environment v Economic Money and Finances Living Conditions Which of following relates to Environmental Factors and which relate to Economic Factors? Losing your job. Getting promotion. Having noisy neighbours. Going on luxurious holidays. Living in damp conditions. Living in dirty conditions. Having gym membership. Buying high quality food. Living next to a motorway carriageway. Living near a factory.
Underline the key terms. Question 17d – 6 marks Explain how living in poverty may affect people’s health and wellbeing. Underline the key terms.
2)Organise your paragraphs. How to approach 6 mark Qs Conclusion Paragraph 2 Paragraph 1 1) Brainstorm Key Terms 2)Organise your paragraphs.
1) Brainstorm Key Terms Health and well-being means not only your physical health but also your mental health. On the brainstorm make points about how poverty affects you physically and mentally. Watch the clip and add tour brainstorm about how poverty affects health and well-being. Glasgow
2)Organise your paragraphs. Conclusion Paragraph 2 Paragraph 1
Coherent, well structured response which accurately reflects question stem. Good use of vocabulary. Can make valid links. For 6 marks conclusion must be present. 5-6 Marks
Get a friend to mark your work. Brainstorm Organise Write Paragraph 2 Paragraph 1 Conclusion Get a friend to mark your work.
. Increase in chronic long term illness · Increase in premature death rates e.g. cancers · Increase in stress / worry · Increase in mental health problems · Social exclusion, discrimination · Negative self concept /esteem/image · Poor diet · Access to surgery e.g. Transport DO NOT ACCEPT CAN’T PAY FOR PRESCRIPTION AS THESE WILL EITHER BE FREE OR BENEFIT LINKED Which key terms could you have added to make your answer more sophisticated?