Developer Advocate @Rackspace Intro to Docker Swarm @everett_toews Developer Advocate @Rackspace
Docker Swarm Clustering for multiple Docker nodes 2
Container Orchestration Engines 3
Benefits Less complexity Docker API Ecosystem Scheduling Strategies Constraints Filters Rescheduling DNS 5
Docker Swarm Cluster is the new normal Cluster aware 6
Effective Docker Swarm
Images docker build Build a custom image Run a container taking up a limited resource Twice 8
Images Constraint Affinity Public registry Private registry 9
Volumes docker volume Create a volume Write some data Read it back 10
Volumes Distributed file system Store data off-cluster Data volume containers Back up and restore! 11
Networks Run a container with published port(s) Refer to another container by name 12
Networks docker network Overlay networks DNS 13
Security IANASE Swarm TLS Overlay networks Container Watchtower Docker Bench 14
Security Daemon AuthZ plugin Updates Node seccomp AppArmor 15
Service Discovery Service registration Service discovery Load balancing 16
Service Discovery DNS Interlock etcd + registrator + confd + haproxy/nginx consul + registrator + consultemplate + haproxy/nginx 17
Where to Swarm? docker-machine Microsoft Azure Docker UCP Docker Datacenter Carina by Rackspace 18
Effective Docker Swarm Office Hours Think outside the container 11:05am|Wednesday|Room 16B Office Hours 1:05am|Wednesday|O’Reilly Booth Think outside the container 2:40am|Wednesday|Room 16B Rackspace Booth Wednesday & Thursday|Expo Hall
Developer Advocate @Rackspace Thank You! @everett_toews Developer Advocate @Rackspace