Shopping Cart Completion Workflow Trainer: CAI Chen Date: 2018/6/2
Business Process Overview SC Completion Workflow Process Role Purchaser 1.Shopping Cart 2.Receive SC information email from SRM 9.Catalog Maintenance Process 3.Communicate with internal customer 4.Organize bidding 5.Select bidding winner & validate price 6.Complete SC with final price and vendor 7.Attach quotations 8.PO Process
New Process Benefits Shopping Cart empowers employees to create and manage their own requests for goods and services and allows purchasing professionals to focus on managing strategic supplier relationship instead of transactions. Shopping Cart provides paperless electronic flow for purchasing request. Shopping Cart allows purchasing professionals to focus on managing strategic supplier relationship instead of transactions. Maintain purchasing own information when SC completion, such as reference price, leakage reason, OTIFQLT (logistics) information, etc, which easy way to generate purchasing report by system.
Course Objectives After completing this course you will be able to: Complete shopping cart with validated price and vendor Maintain purchasing information in shopping cart Change shopping cart Review shopping cart after completion View and analyze reporting data related to the shopping cart completion
Key Terms (1/3) Shopping Cart (SC) Semi-decentralized Purchasing model Shopping Cart (SC) is the expression of a requirement, for which vendor or price is not mandatory. The Shopping Cart can be sourced by purchasers later through a SC Completion Workflow. Semi-decentralized Purchasing model A purchasing model in that the number of people authorized to initiate purchases shall be limited to one or several persons in each department. SRM Requestor A designated person(s) in each department who is authorized to create purchase request and confirm reception in SRM on behalf of business requestors. Typically each department has one or several SRM requestors. Vendor List A list of recommended vendors maintained by Product Category so that requestor can save time on searching the vendors from scratch. Typically vendor list is used for purchase on generic items only.
Key Terms (2/3) Required on Tax The planed delivery date VAT (Value Added Tax) Rate, only for VAT, which can be compensated.
Key Terms (3/3) SRM Terms vs. SAP Terms Term in SRM Term in SAP Product ID Material Number Product Category Material Group Location Plant
Key Policies (1/2) General policy: Purchaser has the responsibility to clarify necessary detailed information with requestor, before SC completion. To complete shopping cart, whose purchase price and vendor information has been filled by requester, purchaser should validate the real purchase price and vendor when complete shopping cart. Purchasing run bidding before completing price and vendor, according to purchasing bidding policy. Purchaser should maintain reference price and final quotation for each shopping cart item, on top of final price. Purchaser should maintain leakage and OTIFQLT information in shopping cart “deviation reason” field by item if there is leakage and OTIFQLT issues happened, at the same time of shopping cart completion.
Key Policies (2/2) Physical product purchasing: If the purchase is a physical product, which needs to be delivered to L’Oreal warehouse, purchaser should apply material number before complete shopping cart. And if this physical product is judged by the responsible purchaser as repeated purchase item or one shot generic item to be maintained (criteria referring to catalogue maintenance policy), purchaser should notify catalog maintenance team to maintain it inside catalogue through Catalogue Maintenance Form, with all necessary information requested by Catalogue maintenance policy. This catalogue maintenance action by purchaser shall be carried out within three working days after related shopping cart completion. Purchase should check if the delivery address is Su Zhou warehouse address, and correct it if not.
System Navigation Topic 1: Approve or Reject SC (SRM) 2 If you choose to approve / reject SCs in SRM, you need to logon SRM! Please enter URL http://srm4qb5-cn.loreal.wans/sap/bc/gui/sap/its/bbpstart Please note that this URL is for testing only. After SRM go-live, you will logon SRM production environment with different URL. You will be notified shortly. Enter your user name and password (please check your handout).
System Navigation Topic 1: Approve or Reject SC (SRM) Choose “work overview” in the log-in main screen you will find the SC awaiting for your approval If the sc list is not the updated, you can choose “Refresh” 3 2
System Navigation Topic 1: Approve or Reject SC (SRM) 2 1 Choose the SC you want to approve You can click “Details” for checking sc information
System Navigation Topic 1: Approve or Reject SC (SRM) 2 3 4 1 Approve or reject for the sc awaiting for your approval. Note: Inquire is the new function in SRM7.0, Which means for “back to requester” for check. Choose submit You can also click “Edit” to revise the SC or input the vendor number “hold” is also the new function of new SRM, which means buyer can change any information in SC and just save this change. ( don’t do any approval or reject)
System Navigation Topic 1: Approve or Reject SC (SRM) 2 After Buyer click inquire, this sc will be showed in requester’s approval box After changing or confirm something in SC, requester can choose “Accept” to resubmit the SC again to Buyer. It has the same function as “back to approver”
Congratulations! You have completed the SC Completion Course!!