Walking Worthy of My New Identity


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Presentation transcript:

Walking Worthy of My New Identity Ephesians 4:1-6

A one cent per case increase of Coca-Cola would bring the company $45 million a year. A one cent-per-gallon increase in the price of jet fuel increases Delta Airline's company costs by $25 million a year. A one cent increase in the hourly wage for all the employees of Home Depot amounts to $6.5 million a year. If Krispy Kreme increased the cost of each donut by one penny, the company would increase profits by $27 million. "A Penny Saved," Atlanta Journal Constitution (8-22-04)

“Cover me—I’m changing lanes.” “I brake for no apparent reason.” “Forget about world peace… Visualize using your turn signal.” “Keep honking… I’m reloading.” “Caution: I drive like you.” “Horn broken. Watch for finger.”

1. Paul uses the metaphor of “walking” in (v. 1). How is your walk? DISCUSSION GUIDE 1. Paul uses the metaphor of “walking” in (v. 1). How is your walk?

DISCUSSION GUIDE 2. What are the characteristics listed in (Ephesians 4:1-3) of a believer who is walking worthy of his calling? Humility Gentleness Patience Unconditional love Peacemaker

DISCUSSION GUIDE 3. With which of the above characteristics do you need to most improve upon?

DISCUSSION GUIDE 4. Why is it critical that Christians have patience with one another? In the church…   In view of the outside world…

To keep unity in the church. DISCUSSION GUIDE 5. What is the ultimate goal of living out these characteristics in the church? (v. 3) To keep unity in the church.

We are unified in our faith just as God is unified in the Trinity. DISCUSSION GUIDE 6. What is the relationship between the unity Paul mentions in (v. 3) and repeated use of the term “one” in (vs. 4-6)? We are unified in our faith just as God is unified in the Trinity.

DISCUSSION GUIDE 7. Disunity in the church or in your Life Group will damage the mission of the church. How can you guard against it?

DISCUSSION GUIDE 8. What is the biblical prescription for resolving conflict in the church in (Matthew 18:15-17)? Approach a brother/sister in love Approach a brother/sister with 2 or 3 others Approach the church leadership

DISCUSSION GUIDE 9. (Ephesians 4:1-6) concerns preserving unity in the body but it begins with an individual’s walk. How is your walk?

A WORTHY WALK   Step 1 Evaluate yourself Step 2 Evaluate your weaknesses in light of your attitudes and actions towards other Christians Step 3 Make a list of Christians you have difficulty relating to Step 4 Consciously and deliberately forgive every person who has ever done anything to hurt you