Ping-Pong Ball Levitation By: Scott Conway Grant Sevin Tyler Hajduk
Overview of the project Agenda Overview of the project Mathematical Model Controller Design Simulation Results Video(s)
What Challenge? This will entail explaining the purpose and needs of the project, could also discuss the constrains to.
Mathematical Model Point-Mass Model Lift-coefficient hypothesis ---- Thrust = C “ Thrust Constant” times Voltage driving the fan squared. Also the equation Force = mass times acceleration. W= Mass time gravity.
State Space Model Representation
After numerous calculations….
Controller Design Equipment Used: Motion Detector Range: 0.15 to 6 meters Resolution: 1 mm
Power Amplifier DC coupled and has a total gain of 2X to the output. Input impedance is 50 kΩ. Maximum input ±12 V without damage. Frequency range: DC to 15 kHz.
SensorDAQ Included are four channels for a quick and easy way to add Vernier sensors without external wiring or signal conditioning. There is a screw terminal for digital I/O, analog output, counter, +5 Volt line, and 2 more analog inputs to build circuits, create custom sensors, control RC servo motors, turn on electronic devices, and more. Connect over 55 Vernier analog and digital sensors Use with NI LabVIEW software version 8.2 or newer (not included) Screw terminal connector provides 12 auxiliary channels
LabVIEW Front Panel
LabVIEW Block Diagram
Simulation - Uncompensated
Simulation - Compensated
Video – Critically Damped
Video – Over-Damped
Video – Under-Damped
Video – Growing Oscillations
Questions ???