Succession Carbon Cycle Nitrogen Cycle Water Cycle Misc. 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500
What is the gradual growing of a community over time called?
During succession, if a plant needs to grow quickly and make many seeds, would the plant represent a climax species or a pioneer species?
Succession occurring in an area composed of bare rock and no soil is an example of ________ _________.
Primary succession
Provide an example of secondary succession. Be sure to include WHY it is secondary succession.
A tornado destroys a field A tornado destroys a field. Small plants begin to grow back in the SOIL remains. Varied Answers.
What is the difference between primary and secondary succession?
Primary succession takes place in an area that has no soil, where secondary succession occurs in when a disturbance occurs at an already established ecosystem where soil exists.
All organic molecules are made up of…
CARBON (That means you, too!)
What is the process of burning fossil fuels releasing carbon back into the atmosphere called?
What two processes are involved in the carbon cycle?
Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
Photosynthesis releases carbon dioxide back into the environment. TRUE OR FALSE Photosynthesis releases carbon dioxide back into the environment.
FALSE Photosynthesis is: Carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight making Glucose and releasing oxygen.
How do animals (like you) get the carbon that they need?
By consuming plants and other animals!
What percentage of gas in Earth’s atmosphere nitrogen gas?
Nitrogen gas makes up 78% of gas in Earth’s atmosphere!
Why is nitrogen important to living things?
Living things use nitrogen to make proteins and its found in DNA!
Name one of two things that can perform nitrogen fixation.
Bacteria and Lightning!
What is it called when bacteria break down waste and dead organisms releasing nitrogen gas back into the atmosphere?
What is free nitrogen?
Nitrogen found in the atmosphere!
Groundwater is precipitation that is stored in the ___________.
That’s how most organisms use it! Ground! That’s how most organisms use it!
Earth’s supply of freshwater is renewed through the…
It mostly falls directly into Earth’s oceans! Precipitation It mostly falls directly into Earth’s oceans!
Water changing from a liquid to a gas is called… (Hint: The water is heated by the sun!)
(Changing of a gas back to a liquid) What is the process of water vapor cooling and collecting around dust particles in the atmosphere called? (Changing of a gas back to a liquid)
Water evaporating from organisms is called…
Your friend Thomas is telling you about the nitrogen cycle Your friend Thomas is telling you about the nitrogen cycle. He tells you that nitrogen gets destroyed and we never get it back again. Is he telling you the truth?
No! According to the Law of Conservation of Matter: Matter cannot be created or destroyed!
Matter moves between living and non-living things in ecosystems. TRUE or FALSE Matter moves between living and non-living things in ecosystems.
True! Matter such as water, nitrogen, and carbon all travel from the environment into living things and back again!
What is a climax community?
A mature community that is STABLE A mature community that is STABLE. It will remain a climax community until something disturbs the area.
What is required for cellular respiration to occur?
Glucose and oxygen!
What are the products (or things) that come out of cellular respiration?
Carbon dioxide, water, and energy (ATP)