Sept 22 , 2017 You need your journals English I Pre-AP Sept 22 , 2017 You need your journals
Due Today Individual Practice for Prepositions due Friday. Mrs. Worley: tutorials Wed/Thurs. during lunch in commons. The individual practice grade can replace the Group Practice Grade.
Animal Farm Calendar Chapters 1-4 Thursday 9/21 Chapters 5-7 Tuesday 9/26 Quiz on Tuesday Review posted on Tues 9/26 assignment for reading in Moodle May replace quiz grade from yesterday Chapters 8-10 Tuesday 10/3
Big Questions English I Pre-AP Search for Identity Why do humans seek class structure in society? How can we change society? What makes a great friend? What would you do for a friend?
9/22 Learning Target Today We Will: Continue “The Communist Manifesto” So We Can: Create context for the novel I’ll know I have it when I can: determine author’s purpose for the novel through historical context
What is an allegory? Add this defn to Animal Farm notes: Definiton of allegory: story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one. "Pilgrim's Progress is an allegory of the spiritual journey
Windowpane Notes Animal Farm Characterization-In Your Journal Mr. Jones Tzar Nickolas Royalty Drunk/doesn’t take care of farm Old Major Karl Marx Dream of Animalism Animalism Communism All people are equal 7 commandments Snowball Trotsky Ideals/too wrapped up in the ideas Napoleon Stalin Power hungry Not a speech maker Boxer The working class Not educated
9/22 Learning Target Today We Will: Continue “The Communist Manifesto” So We Can: Create context for the novel I’ll know I have it when I can: determine author’s purpose for the novel through historical context
Communist Manifesto In groups of three to four, complete the Guided Reading for Communist Manifesto. The Communist Manifesto was written in 1848 in the midst of European upheaval, a time when capitalist industrialization had spread from England to France and Germany. Marx and Engels were Germans who studied and worked in France and England. In the Manifesto, they imagine a revolution that will transform all of Europe. What is a manifesto? Based on the word, what do you think the authors might want to accomplish?
Reflection In journal: What did you learn from the research? Eraser – What do you need to correct/fix? Highlighter- Where do you need to focus your attention? Paper Clip- What do you need to hold onto/remember? Puzzle Piece- What confused you? Rubber Band- What did you learn? Where did you grow? What stretched your thinking?
PDF OF Animal Farm