Title I Program in Union County Schools June 2, 2015,
What is a Title I School? Title I schools receive funds based on the percentage of low-income students. Funds supplement local/state funding to support student achievement. Title I funding is the largest single federal funding source in education. www.ucps.k12.nc.us
6,179 Students Served in Ten Title I Schools Benton Heights Elementary School of the Arts East Elementary Marshville Elementary Rock Rest Elementary Rocky River Elementary Sardis Elementary Union Elementary Walter Bickett Elementary Wingate Elementary Western Union Elementary ** transitioning out of Title I 2015 - 2016 www.ucps.k12.nc.us
ELEMENATARY SECONDARY EDUCATION ACT The US Department of Education offered each state the opportunity to request flexibility on behalf of itself, its local LEA’s and its schools, in order to improve the focus on student learning and increase the quality of instruction. This opportunity provides educators along with state and local leaders with flexibility regarding specific requirements of No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 in exchange for rigorous and comprehensive state-developed plans. North Carolina applied for the flexibility waivers and its application was approved in 2012 and again in 2014. www.ucps.k12.nc.us
Title I Allotment for 2014-2015 = $5,313,750.00 Title I Planning Allotment has not been received from the Department of Public Instruction as of May 26, 2015. UCPS is currently planning for 2015-16 based on the 2014-15 allotment. Title I funding is based on data from the United States Census. www.ucps.k12.nc.us
Required Set Asides for Title I 2015-2016 District Administration - May reserve up to 12% administrative activities, including indirect costs Parental Engagement - Requires 1% of the total allocation-funds allotted to the Title I schools Pre-Kindergarten - Funds nine Title I Pre-Kindergarten teachers and nine Teacher Assistants in addition to supplies and materials www.ucps.k12.nc.us
Set Asides, continued District Administration - May reserve up to 12% administrative activities, including indirect costs Parental Engagement - Requires 1% of the total allocation-funds allotted to the Title I schools Pre-Kindergarten - Funds nine Title I Pre-Kindergarten teachers and nine Teacher Assistants in addition to supplies and materials www.ucps.k12.nc.us
SCHOOL ALLOCATIONS IN UNION COUNTY Title I funds are allocated on the basis of student enrollment for ages 4-18 census information, poverty, and other data. Union County has established a poverty threshold of 50% to use in determining eligibility for Title I funds (poverty thresholds based on free/reduced lunch percentages). A per-pupil amount is calculated based on three poverty bands. www.ucps.k12.nc.us
COMPRABLE SERVICES Union County Public Schools has made the determination to use all Title I funds at the elementary level for early intervention programs. We are required to provide comparable services to any school with 75% of the students receiving free/reduced lunch. The schools listed below receive comparable services through various state and local funds. Monroe High School Monroe Middle School South Providence School www.ucps.k12.nc.us
PRE-KINDERGARTEN CLASSES Title I will fund nine Pre-Kindergarten teachers and nine teacher assistants for the 2015-2016 school year. The Pre-Kindergarten classes will be located at nine of the ten Title I schools. www.ucps.k12.nc.us
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