storage and External Transportation
Place ready storage for hazardous waste Central hazardous material storage Internal transport External Transport Hazardous material centre Supplier Internal transport Bringing together of the waste streams Interim storage Placing ready for external disposal Disposal Recycling Consumer = Waste generator External transport De-central collection Points Internal transport Place ready storage
General aspects of waste contracting Ideas of the hospital: To get rid of the waste in an easy way. To get the service as cheap as possible. To give away the responsibility for the waste management, treatment and disposal. To avoid problems with the government and the public. Ideas of the contracting company: To make profit! To transport, treat and dispose of the waste in an accepted way as cheap as possible Easy and smooth collection, operation and disposal To avoid problems with the government and the public
Understanding of hospitals Main cost of the hospital: Contracting costs Internal transportation cost including packing material Cost for the interim waste storage Cost of the waste management Ideal contracts for a hospital: Medium term contracts Price, based on the weight of generated waste High frequent pick up on fixed times Complete take over of the responsibilities by the contractor
Storage Requirements Requirements: Totally enclosed area, separate from other waste storage areas Identifying as infectious waste area by the use of the biohazard symbol Easily accessible for collection vehicles (carts) Easily to disinfect Not connected to the normal sewage system Inaccessible also for birds and insects Good lighting and ventilation Situated close to supply of cleaning equipment, protective clothing and waste bags or containers. Periodically cleaning and disinfection after prior consultation with the infection control committee
Sample: Interim storage for infectious waste Lockable door Hazard sign Easy to clean surfaces The storage place should be refrigerated, signed, lockable, easy to clean and not accessible for any stranger or animal. Further it is not connected with the sewage and has a good lightening and ventilation
Some details of the interim storage UN-approved containers for infectious waste Sterilizeable transport carts Tiled room, easy to disinfect Temperature: 5-7°C
Solution for storage places Waste container as interim storage If a suitable storage place is not available, large waste container can be a solution. This containers will be filled by the hospital and regularly exchanged against clean and empty once by the disposal company. Specifications: Lockable Signed Water proof UV and chemical resistant Easy to clean and disinfect Max. storage 24 hours Should stand at a special place
Chemical Waste : Storage Requirements: Impermeable hard standing base with good drainage Additional liquid and chemical proof chemical sump without drainage Sub dividable in different sections Fitted with a lock to prevent access by unauthorised persons Lightening and very good ventilation (explosion proof !!!)
Chemical waste : Interim storage Separate from other buildings, in a lockable, special designed storage, chemical waste can be stored until the disposal The storage place fulfills the require-ments of the local law and is equipped with all necessary safety equipment
Interim storage of hazardous waste Waste with same risks are stored together like inflammable solvents, water pollutant chemicals, halogen chemicals, etc.
Sample: interim storage for chemical waste Sample of an interim storage for chemical waste: Necessary safety equipment Different sections Chemical waste is packed in suitable packing Additional liquid and chemical proof chemical sump without drainage All waste is labelled
External transport of hazardous waste Central hazardous material storage Internal transport External Transport Hazardous material centre Supplier Internal transport Transport corresponding with UN standards Documentation of the responsibilities Record keeping of waste amounts Disposal Recycling Consumer = Waste generator External transport De-central collection Points Internal transport Place ready storage
Why we set up of a waste manifest? The waste manifest Why we set up of a waste manifest? To be able to trace the waste during the complete disposal chain To be able to monitor the correct transportation and treatment To document the correct treatment To control the production of hazardous waste in the country
Documentation of the transport Tracing System For the monitoring of the waste streams, a tracing system must be followed, e.g.: Authority Notification - Generator 1. Original - Transport 2. Copy – (Generator) 3. Original - Treatment 4. Copy – (Transport) 5. Copy – (Treatment) 6. Copy – (Generator) 1 2 3 4 5 6
Record keeping: Sample consignment note: (from the United Kingdom for the carriage & disposal of hazardous waste) Producer certificate Description of the waste Carriers collection certificate Producers collection certificate Disposers certificate
Transport of hazardous waste External Transportation: Periodically or on request, a governmental licensed disposal company comes and takes the waste to the treatment plants. The hazardous waste must be transported according to the applicable laws. The carrier must endorse the receive of the quantity and quality of the waste and will be responsible for the waste after signing. After treatment, the carrier will inform the generator about the disposal in accordance with the regulations
The “Hospital Waste Officer” The hospital waste officer is the head of the waste management in the hospitals. He is responsible for the supervision of the introduced waste management, introducing of new methods and for the training of the employees.
Basis Information: Hospital waste manual Documentation: Waste regulations Waste management plan Waste Organisation - Waste Management Organisation - Description of relevant positions Hospital waste guide - Waste data sheets Process Organisation - Process instructions - Task- and responsibility matrix Standardized forms Waste and accidents records
The Hospital waste guide In the guide, the staff can find information how to manage and handle generated Hospital waste Waste definitions Receptacles Collection Record keeping Organisation Disposal