New MFL National Courses N4/N5/MLLW Course structures Content Teaching methodologies Assessment
Comparing N4 & N5 Courses N4 Roughly equivalent to Int 1 / SG General No final exam 8 Unit Assessments Added Value Unit N5 Roughly equivalent to Int 2 / SG Credit Final exam 4 Unit Assessments
Comparing N4 & N5 Content Lifestyles Education and Work Wider World Culture
How do we teach N4 & N5? 4 skills + Flexibility Relevance Resources High expectations Pupil responsibility
N4 & N5 Assessment S3 = CfE Level 3 S4 National 4 Formal & informal Unit Assessments Prelims
Modern Languages for Life and Work SCQF levels 3 or 4 ML for Life, ML for Work, Building Own Employability
In summary… Flexibility Relevance Skillset High Expectations
Home Study help Linguascope - pupils have the username and password - Intermediate level Languagesonline - vocab, grammar and topic exercises BBC Bitesize Int 2 (for N5) Some staff use EDMODO - a blog specifically for your child’s class with links and support + pupils can ask questions of their teacher; pupils have to get a time-limited password to join up. Mobile app available too - online dictionary (NOT Google translate please!) SQA website - past papers Int 2 for N5, General for N4 - Spanish vocab and grammar