Oracle 11g Release 1 Deinstallation Steps for Windows Server 2003 Freddy Wong
In Windows Server 2003 Click on Start, All Programs, Oracle - OraDb11g_home1, Oracle Installation Products, Universal Installer
Click on [Deinstall Products]
Tick the check-box for “OraDb11g_home1”, then click on [Remove]
Click on [Yes]
Click on [Yes]
Be patient, this will take several minutes!
You will notice that OraDb11g_home1 has been removed; click on [Close]
Click on [Cancel]
Click on [Yes]; Deinstallation completed
The database and related files in the folder C:\app\Administrator (around 3.11GB) have to be deleted manually
You have to physically delete the folder C:\app\Administrator (around 3.11GB)