TK1914 C++ Programming Course Introduction
YOUR LECTURER Name: Dr Sufian Idris Room: E-3-24 (Block E, Level 3) Email: Yahoo ID: sufian_idris
THE COURSE This course teaches you the fundamentals of computer programming. In this course, you will learn to use the C++ programming language in writing computer programs to solve problems.
LEARNING OUTCOME At the end of the course, you should be able to understand and predict the behaviour of a program written in C++. identify the syntax and logic errors of a program written in C++. correct the syntax and logic errors of a program written in C++. design and write a C++ program to solve a given problem
COURSE ASSESSMENT 50% Final Exam 10% Lab Assignments 30% Questions are given in advance. Assignments are to be submitted in class on the due date. 30% Lab Test 1 – 10% Lab Test 2 – 20% Tutorials/Quizzes (5 x 2%)
LECTURES Lectures/Tutorials (handled by lecturer) Tuesday 10.00 am – 12.00 pm BK3 Wednesday 11.00 am – 12.00 pm BK1 Course schedule: Refer course information handout. Attendance is compulsory and will be recorded. Punctual attendance is expected. I do not like to be distracted while I am teaching.
LABS Labs (handled by demonstrator) 2 hours per week Lab times: to be advised
COURSE MATERIAL Can be downloaded from SPIN Can also be downloaded at Can also be downloaded at
COURSE MATERIAL The textbook for this course can be bought from the School of Computer Science office. D. S. Malik, C++ Programming: Program Design Including Data Structures, 5th Edition. Thompson Course Technology Incorporated, 2011. ISBN-10: 0538798092 ISBN-13: 9780538798099
COURSE MATERIAL Supplementary material for this course is also available at wadsworth/ uct_isbn_issn=9780538798099
OTHER STUFF I need a class representative.
TK1914 ON FACEBOOK? (Experimental) Online discussions via TK1914 Facebook Search for "Sufian Idris" – Find entry with image of FTSM. Accessible to friends only – open only to students of this set. It is compulsory for all students in this set to request to become friends. You must identify yourselves. Regular quality participation is required. Your participation will be tracked and marked.
Good luck in this course & Have fun!