Effective Executive Committees
Support the Group/District/County Role of the Committee Support the Group/District/County Look after the finances, fundraising, buildings, equipment, assets, etc. Not to “do” the scouting Ben
How can you be effective? Have a good skill mix on the committee Share out the work – sub-committees, working groups, teams, etc. Be organised - meetings, minutes, actions Be appropriately responsive & proactive Ben
Engaging, Motivating and Retaining Executive Members How do you recruit members? Rarely at meetings (like AGMs) Primarily through one to one discussion/comms Often through attracting people back into Scouting What do they want to get out of the role? Support for Scouting Fun, comradeship, sense of well being/doing? Very good on CVs and when looking for a job! What do you need to do to motivate and engage them (and thus retain them)? Ben
How does your role contribute to the Executive? Chairman Secretary Treasurer Member Ben
Normally in this Session: Split into groups based on the specific roles Discussion in groups about that role How to help and support each other in your roles Ben
Treasurer and Member due to be added later New Guides …. Treasurer and Member due to be added later - although we have not seen much progress in last 12 months
Effective Meetings and AGMS
How to run effective and “exciting” AGMs………………. How can you engage people in the process? Can people “enjoy” the AGM? When do you need to hold an AGM? Ben
Who is invited to a Group AGM? Email: executive.committee@scout.org.uk
Who is Invited to a Group AGM? Leaders & Helpers Parents/Guardians Executive Members Examiner/Scrutinizer President/Vice Presidents Representatives from District/County Guests
Who is Invited to a Group AGM? (short version) Group Scout Council (voting rights) Guests and Visitors (no voting rights)
Who is Invited to a District AGM? District Scout Council (voting rights) Guests and Visitors (no voting rights) Who is Invited to a County AGM? County Scout Council (voting rights) Guests and Visitors (no voting rights)
What are the essential requirements of an AGM? Must be held within 6 months of the end of your financial year Must be appropriately advertised to the Scout Council
Essential requirements of a Group AGM 1 Apologies To agree minutes of previous AGM Adopt the Annual Report Adopt the Financial Report To reappoint any President/Vice Presidents To approve the GSL’s nomination for Group Chairman Ben
Essential requirements of a Group AGM 2 To elect Secretary, Treasurer and any other position To appoint an independent examiner for the year To formally record those Section Leaders who have opted to be members of the Executive The GSL to announce their nominations for the Executive To elect members to the Executive To co-opt members onto the Executive Ben
How do we make AGMs more exciting?
Making AGMs more exciting? Table written reports Keep to the point – short and sharp & managed Ensure that officers and Committee Members are asked beforehand NO any other business Advertise (must include all the Group Scout Council) Combine with another event Ask young people to participate / get involved Hold it with another event, e.g. barbecue, presentation evening or awards ceremony Ben
Executive Committees ….
How to run effective executive meetings……………… What makes a good executive meeting? How to get full benefit from the Executive Committee? Ben
Group Executive Committee? Who is attends a Group Executive Committee? Email: executive.committee@scout.org.uk
Who attends a Group Executive Meeting? Officers (Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer) GSL and AGSL Executive Members Section Leaders (only if they have opted in) Representatives from the District
Executive Meeting Organisation? Location Furniture and room arrangements Timing Catering Agenda Management of the meeting
Agenda Send out Early Briefing papers and updates on actions with agenda GSL / Section Reports / Finance / Building Previous meeting actions Only talk about “open” actions Clear topics for discussions Send out any supporting information No AOB…. (or pre-manage)
Meetings Brevity is a virtue Keep to agenda and time Avoid long discussions on scouting activities Scouting is for Scouters Topics should be: Fundraising and financial position Build maintenance and equipment needs Recruitment & Numbers Trustee responsibilities
What might an annual cycle of Executive Meetings look like? AGM – appoint Executive & roles for the year Typically about 5 ‘normal business meetings’ per year Autumn meeting to draft budget for the following year and set subscriptions ahead of Census Meeting ahead of the AGM to plan details, decide who is going to do what role and agree the Annual Report and Accounts Next AGM
Questions? 29