Khadija Faisal Alhosani


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Presentation transcript:

Khadija Faisal Alhosani Data distributions Done by the student: Khadija Faisal Alhosani

divided by the number of mean Is the sum of the values in the set divided by the number of values in the set.

median Is the middle value when the values Are in numerical order , or the mean Of the two middle values if there Are an even number of values.

mode Is the value or the values that occur Most often . There may be one mode Or more than one mode. If no values Occurs more often than another, We say the data set has no mode.

In the set . The range describes the The range of a set of data is the different Between the least and greatest values In the set . The range describes the Spread of the data.

1,2,7,5,6,2,9 How to find the mean ---------------------= 43 Mean: 7 1+2+7+5+6+2+9 ---------------------= 43 7 Mean: Write the data in numerical order. Add all the values and divide by the number of value.

1,2,7,5,6,2,9 How to find the median Median : 5 We will write the middle number or numbers if one NUMBER we will write it if two NUMBERS we will add the two numbers and divide by two.

We will write the repet number or number. How to find the mode 1,2,7,5,6,2,9 Mode: 2 We will write the repet number or number.

We will subtract the BIGGEST NUMBER FROM THE SMALLEST NUMBER. How to find the range 1,2,7,5,6,2,9 Range:9—1=8 We will subtract the BIGGEST NUMBER FROM THE SMALLEST NUMBER.