London Boxing Meeting – Sunday 6th November 2016
Purpose of Meeting Information only meeting, to explain the ‘Interim’ London Boxing structure, roles to be filled and process for applying and voting Answer any questions regarding the planned structure
Background (1) At the last London AGM, members were asked to vote on whether to remain or leave England Boxing London ABA took the decision not to affiliate with England Boxing, formed the Amateur Boxing Alliance, leaving no administration in place to manage London as a region From within the clubs that voted to remain with England Boxing, a short term structure was put in place. England Boxing requested assistance from Brian John and Terri Kelly, plus Richard Powers and myself to manage the transition
Background (2) ‘Short term’ administration was put in place to safeguard the structure for boxers, coaches, officials, and allow for clubs to affiliate. Also to allow for championships and club shows to take place as normal Additionally, the ‘short term’ administration keeps boxing going as normal, until a more permanent structure is voted on and put in place New online registration process, via the Vault, was introduced
Why an ‘Interim’ Structure and not a permanent one now? (1) England Boxing are in the process of ‘standardising’ all the regions nationwide. This will not be ready to be put in place until Summer 2017, hence, an ‘Interim’ structure, to be in place until the London Boxing AGM in July 2017 London Boxing can be the pilot, and hopefully, the blueprint for all other regions to emulate, so we need to get this structure right
Why an ‘Interim’ Structure and not a permanent one now? (2) Between now and next summer, work is taking place behind the scenes
How roles will be advertised All roles, along with role descriptions (A mini CV template is also being created for applicants to complete) will be posted on London Boxing website & uploaded on social media. Role descriptions will also be emailed out to all clubs It is hoped that clubs will help by advertising these roles within their clubs Any registered member of England Boxing can apply for role descriptions to be emailed to them
Recruitment Process (1) Any member of London Boxing can apply, but not anyone will be considered as some roles are skills/qualification based. E.g. Treasurer (must be familiar with accounting), Welfare Officer (must have attended or intend to attend a safeguarding course and additional training) Expressions of interest to be emailed to : along with completed CV template (the title of the email to state name and position being applied for) Richard Powers and Bevis Allen, appointment by England Boxing as registrars and neutral parties will manage the recruitment process
Recruitment Process (2) Voting by the membership to confirm successful applicants to be done two weeks from today (possibly at Repton ABC – to be confirmed) Voting will be ONE vote per club Votes to be accepted in person on the day or emailed before the start of the meeting Results of the voting and successful applicants to be announced on the day
Recruitment Protocols No one person can hold more than one of the following positions; Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer No one from the same club can hold one of the following positions; Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer Team Manager and Matchmaker will not be the same person The Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer, will be in post for a maximum of 2 years. After this time, they can then be re-elected for a further term of 2 years (a maximum term of 4 years only)
The Roles (1) - Chairman (1) - Regional Secretary (1) - Regional Treasurer (1) - Regional Committee (5, of which 3 will be the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer) - Welfare Officer (1) - Medical Registrars (1*) * Richard and Bevis confirmed as registrars until July 2017 or next London AGM
The Roles (2) - Referee and Judges Adjudicators (2) - Disciplinary Panel (4 – plus Chairman) - Championship Committee (2) - Regional Matchmaker (1 or 2) - Regional Coach (1) - Squad Coaches (4-6)
The Roles (3) - London Region Committee (5) (Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer & 2 others, to be decided)
Timescales N0. What By When 1 Send out ALL role descriptions to clubs/members Wed 9th Nov 2 Application process OPEN Thurs 10th Nov 3 Application process CLOSED Wed 16th Nov 4 Applications short listed and emailed to clubs/members Fri 18th Nov 5 Complete voting to confirm each role Sun 20th Nov 6 Announcements of successful applicants Sun 20th Nov 7 Meeting of ALL elected officers to plan next steps TBC 8 Elected members sign a code of conduct/confidentiality agreement