DeltaStream Demonstration Ramsey Sound Tidal Energy Ltd All Energy 2015 Glasgow
Technology Timeline 2015 2014
DeltaStream Technology
Test Site – Ramsey Sound
Ramsey Sound European Designated site and area of high marine mammal activity Full consents granted in 2011
Power Conversion Compound
Completed 400kW DeltaStream Pembroke Port CONFIDENTIAL
Remote Acoustic Monitoring Platform (RAMP)
Acoustic Environmental Monitoring Passive acoustic monitoring detecting and tracking harbour porpoise clicks and dolphin clicks and whistles Active acoustic monitoring identifying objects close to the rotor Real time tracking capability – shift from position of analysing all data post-hoc Each hydrophone unit has a cluster of 3 hydrophone elements – small close together clusters optimised design for localisation (‘large’ time delays between further apart hydrophones can cause ambiguities in matching detections on different hydrophones. Spacing 20-30cm Envisaged that only 8 channels of data will be analysed in real time (detection and localisation) A visual display will alert the operator and also show estimated positions (range and bearing) of detected clicks and whistles on a map. An audible alarm will also be set up for both clicks and whistles to assist the operator. Depending on ambient noise should be able to detect and track HP between 1-200m (dolphins detect ~1km) Modelling to look at lcoalisation accuracy – very good accuracy (cms) within tens of metres