SSRL Beam Line Infrastructure Update February 2002 Recent Upgrade Work Expectations for 2003-2004 SSRL Beam Line Infrastructure - Tom Rabedeau
Mono Upgrades 2001-2002 Run LN Monos on BLs 6-2, 9-3, and 10-2 LN monochromators are scheduled for installation this run on the following BL: BL9-3 (installed) BL10-2 (installed) BL6-2 (4/29 installation) BL4-3 & 7-3 in fab SSRL Beam Line Infrastructure - Tom Rabedeau
BL11-2 Optical Performance Siderite pre-edge feature (Farges) 11-2: norm. resol. (2 mm slits) 1.25 eV fwhm 11-2: high res. (0.25 mm slits) 1.03 eV fwhm 4-3: high resol. (0.5 mm slits) 1.33 eV fwhm “Under normal resolution BL11-2 achieves an excellent compromise between resolution and signal/noise, equivalent, if not better, of a "state-of-the-art" undulator beam line on a 3rd generation source.” F. Farges SSRL Beam Line Infrastructure - Tom Rabedeau
BL9-3 LN Monochromator Initial Results Little change in flow-induced noise below 75 Hz for flow rates up to 500 lit/hr 0.07 eV maximum edge shift at Cu K edge over 16 hrs including SPEAR fill (ΔE/E=7.8x10-5 eV at 9 keV) ~0.02% I0 noise at copper K edge 1.7 eV maximum edge shift at Te K edge over 12 hrs including SPEAR fill (ΔE/E=5.3x10-5 eV at 31.8 keV; <0.2 eV typical scan-to-scan shift) ~0.07% I0 noise at Te K edge Shift in crystal tuning from 5 keV to 37 keV less than a Darwin width SSRL Beam Line Infrastructure - Tom Rabedeau
BL11-3 – New Beam Line Characteristics & Status quasi-fixed energy side station serving macromolecular crystallography and materials science scattering communities characteristics side scattering, focusing, I-beam shaped crystal, Si(311) mono provides 2.25:1 source horiz. demagnification 1 meter long, Rh-coated, quasi-elliptical, Si mirror provides 3.5:1 source vertical demagnification (15 keV cutoff) kappa diffractometer w/ area and point detectors energy = 12720 +/- 75 eV with 0.18% band pass focus fwhm = 3mm x 0.1mm (SPEAR3) flux = 4x1012/sec (SPEAR3 at 500 mA) Status installation scheduled to start 4/10/02 SSRL Beam Line Infrastructure - Tom Rabedeau
SPEAR3 Opportunities BL9-2 (1mr accept) 5-200 fold brightness SP2 gain 5-15 fold flux gain 5-200 fold brightness gain enhanced beam stability world class soft x-ray undulator performance small gap hard x-ray undulator opportunities performance vs SPEAR2: SSRL Beam Line Infrastructure - Tom Rabedeau
SPEAR3 Beam Line Upgrades Goals and Priorities Objective: Upgrade beam line optics, etc to facilitate optimal exploitation of the SPEAR3 source characteristics. Schedule/Priority: All front ends – 500 mA capable on SPEAR3 startup (Fall 2003) Insertion Device (ID) beam lines – 500 mA capable as soon as possible given resource limitations Bend magnet beam lines – 500 mA capable (though perhaps with degraded capability) as soon as feasible given resource limitations Funding: DOE BES, DOE BER, NIH NCRR,... SSRL Beam Line Infrastructure - Tom Rabedeau
SPEAR3 Beam Line Upgrades Program Elements Evaluate and optimize beam line functionality in the context of the present/future user community needs Mask, filter, window, and optic upgrades as required to cope with the power increase Focusing optic upgrades to faithfully image the source Position monitor, optic, and support structure improvements to preserve SPEAR3 stability Shielding modifications to ensure SSRL continues to operate safely New insertion devices for BL 4, BL 7 to fully utilize the SPEAR3 source characteristics and provide new capabilities SP2 SP3 BL4-2 focus w/ 2mr accept. SSRL Beam Line Infrastructure - Tom Rabedeau
SPEAR3 Beam Line Upgrades Optical Configurations Most beam lines will experience optics improvements but relatively modest conceptual changes. There are, of course, exceptions to this rule. A few of the more notable planned exceptions are: BL5-2, 5-3 - the Locust monochromator will be replaced and the beam line optimized for 250-1200+ eV operations (currently 10-1200 eV); BL7-2 - the conventional toroidal mirror focusing system will be replaced with a cylindrical mirror and a sagittal focusing monochromator for improved high energy performance; BL4-3 & BL7-3 - add collimating mirror optics; BL6-2 - the optics will be transformed to a double mirror system similar to BLs 9-2, 9-3, and 11-2 and optimized for >5000 eV operations; BL3-3 - the beam line will be optimized for 1750-5000 eV operations; BL8-2 - will be optimized for 250-1900 eV operations with the inclusion of a multilayer grating and reconfigured mirror optics; BL4, BL7 which will benefit from new 20-pole, 2.1-T wigglers. SSRL Beam Line Infrastructure - Tom Rabedeau
SPEAR3 Beam Line Upgrades Anticipated Status when SPEAR3 Starts Operations These plans are based on current funding projections. The project may be expedited if additional funding is identified, or delayed if anticipated funding does not materialize: BL 5, 6, 9, 10, 11 should be completed in January 2004. BL 1, 2, 3, 8 will need additional work to make them 500 mA, compatible with SPEAR3. BL 4, 7 will need additional work. BL 7 is anticipated to be completed ~6/04; BL4 in 2006, although BL4-2 will be 100 mA capable with new wiggler. SSRL Beam Line Infrastructure - Tom Rabedeau