Electromagnetic Spectrum: Infrared Brian Blonder • Nicholas Sibley
Frequency And Wavelength - .003 – 4 X 104 Hz. Wavelength: - 1mm-750nm. Fun fact: Infrared has the longest wavelength on the Spectrum. The shorter the wavelength, the more dangerous the type of radiation.
What Emits Infrared? Anything that is above absolute zero emits infrared. Ice cubes emit infrared. Absolute zero is impossible to reach, so therefore, everything emits infrared.
Applications Night Vision Goggles: captures infrared from subjects not noticeable with normal light. Thermal Imaging: used in medicine to see how much infrared is emitted from bodies. Helps show persons’ temperature. Astronomy: telescopes. Better penetration capability. Used to detect infrared from celestial bodies or infrared that bounces off of stars.
Dangerous? Infrared is not technically dangerous, since it’s just light. Anything on the Spectrum, in can be dangerous if there is too much of it. Plexiglass can be used to block infrared.
Bibliography Http://www.universitytoday.com. Http://www.gemini.edu. Http://www.caltech.edu. Http://www.science.hq.nasa.gov. Http://www.chemistry.about.com. Http://www.coolcosmos.ipac.caltech.edu.