IRU Contribution Implementation ECMT QC IRU Academy eXaminer Moving Beyond Training 8 June 2017 Skopje
Conditions to allow road transport to drive economic development Good infrastructure and vehicles Harmonised legislative frameworks to facilitate trade and international road transport Service excellence/Professional competence
Sustained by regional studies Endorsed by Ministers of Transport of the League of Arab States (LAS)
Results based on interviews Road transport managers: Professional drivers:
Key Findings
Conclusions • Make road safety a key priority by adopting appropriate legislation and ensuring strict enforcement of regulations Introduce criteria for recruitment in the road transport profession, including minimum training qualification Introduce professional qualification frameworks for commercial drivers, in a harmonised manner, throughout the Arab region
Access to profession rules - Service excellence & level playing field Quality requirements to operate in the industry Professional Competence Good reputation Financial standing UN Consolidated Resolution on the Facilitation of International Road Transport (R.E.4) & EU Regulation 2009/1071/EC
Working with the IRU Academy Joining a global network of road transport professional qualification experts Internationally recognised diplomas and certificates Unrivalled training standards – IRU Academy support in professional road transport training capacity building Internationally recognised diplomas and certificates – ECMT Quality Charter adopted by the Council of Ministers on 29 May 2015
Working with the IRU Academy High standards industry training programmes Access to a unique testing and certification management capacity
Establish an International Training Quality Assurance System (eXaminer) MANDATE I - QAB
IRU Solution – eXaminer I-QAS N-QAB eXaminer I-QAS – International Quality Assurance System. Global scope. The system that manages the IRU Academy Qualification programmes (training, examination and certification). N-QAB – National Qualification and Authorisation Body. The national competent body that will establish a national road transport professional qualification framework.
eXaminer – N-QAB structure IRU MoT N-QAB Examination Body ATI MoU / LoI ATI Agreements National Authorisation Programme Accreditation Authorisation for Examination Capacity Implementation Mandate IRU and MoT sign MoU / LoI and constitute N-QAB MoT issues implementation mandate to N-QAB N-QAB issues Autorisation(s) for examination capacity to Examination Bodies IRU concludes ATI Agreements and manages granting accreditations to training centres N-QAB issues National Authorisations to ATIs accredited by IRU Academy
eXaminer – Milestones Signature of MoU / LoI (IRU – MoT) Adoption of national legislation and implementing regulations / instructions (MoT) Establish and mandate N-QAB (MoT)
Channels of Implementation
Facilitating Compliance E S T O N I A L A T V I A L I T H U A N I A B E L A R U S P O L A N D S L O V A K I A U K R A I N E M O L D O V A R O M A N I A H U N G A R Y B U L G A R I A T U R K E Y G R E E C E A Z E R B A I J A N G E O R G I A ARMENIA T U R K M E N I S T A N U Z B E K I S T A N T A J I K I S T A N K I R G I S T A N K A Z A K H S T A N R U S S I A N F E D E R A T I O N F I N L A N D Russian Fed. A F G H A N I S T A N I R A N S Y R I A N A R A B P E O P L E ‘ S R E P U B L I C O F C H I N A CYPRUS A Z E R B. S W E D E N N O R W A Y D E N M A R K G E R M A N Y NETHERLANDS B E L G I U M U N I T E D I R E L A N D S P A I N PORTUGAL I T A L Y S W I T Z E R L A N D A U S T R I A K I N G D O M L U X . SLOVENIA C R O A T I A BOSNIA- HERZEGOVINA ALBANIA MKD F R A N C E M O R O C C O T U N I S I A C Z E C H R E P U B L I C R E P U B L I C L E B A N O N I S R A E L J O R D A N SERBIA MNE Albania CPC Driver Certificates CPC Manager Diplomas Czech Republic Moldova MoU / LoI Ukraine Georgia You will learn more about the IRU Academy eXaminer solution during the afternoon session