Web 2.0 A brief overview
What is Web 2.0?
Wikis A wiki is a web-based collaboration tool – the word was adapted by the inventor, Ward Cunningham, from the Hawaiian word wiki, meaning quick or informal, which is how he saw the creation of wikis Watch video clip by Common Craft – Wikis in Plain English Examples of wiki tools: Wikispaces, PBwiki, Wetpaint
Blogs A blog is a web-based personal diary – (web+log=blog) Watch video clip by Common Craft – Blogs in Plain English Examples of popular online tools for creating blogs: Blogger, EduBlogs Examples of tools for downloading and creating blogs: WordPress, ScribeFire
Social bookmarking and tagging Bookmark your favourite websites and make them available online Access them from anywhere Share your bookmarks with others Use key words or ‘tags’ to help you and others search for your bookmarks Examples: del.icio.us, Furl Some will filter and show you websites that match your interests Examples: StumbleUpon, DiggTM
Social networks Network with others online Cuts across geographical borders Get a broader perspective, help or support on a specific interest or subject Examples – MySpace, Facebook, Bebo, Wayne, Piczo Example use of application on Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=2791815712 Open source tool for education: Elgg Create your own network: Ning
File sharing sites Create, save and share all file types: documents, images, videos, mind maps Examples: eSnips, FlickrTM, Scribd, YouTube, VideoJug Access your files from anywhere. Some allow online collaboration, eg GoogleTM Docs, Buzzword, mind42.com
Your task for this session (35 minutes + 10 minutes feedback) Choose one technology that you have not yet investigated or are particularly interested in from the list on the task sheet Explore and evaluate current use Set up / create / sign up Practise using by asking a colleague to share / participate / collaborate Make notes in your reflective log If time allows, explore another Web 2.0 technology Provide feedback to the group on use of Web 2.0 technology in your context