Miss Doherty’s Kindergarten 2016/2017
School Day School begins at 8:00 School ends at 2:50 Line up outside at 7:50 Before Care 7:00-7:50 School ends at 2:50 Pick-up in the front of school After care 2:50-6:00
Specials Monday- Gym and Computer Tuesday- Music Wednesday- Spanish Thursday- Gym and Music Friday-Library
Specials Continued Gym Days Library Must wear gym uniform with sneakers. Sneakers should not be a distraction (no excessive lights or noises) Library The students will take out books
Snack Time Snack should be in a separate bag PEANUT/NUT FREE CLASSROOM Students may bring in a small water to drink at this time.
Lunch- Put money in folder! Special Lunches MONDAY- Baked Ziti $2.00 TUESDAY- Deli Orders WEDNESDAY First of month- Hot Dogs $2.00 With a drink (No Soda) $3.00 Remaining Wednesdays- Pizza $1.50 THURSDAY- Pretzel $1.00 FRIDAY- Bagel **Please send bagel orders in on Thursday**
Class Parties Please sign up for a holiday party if you would like Birthdays- Please e-mail me.
Miscellaneous Information Label EVERYTHING Absent notes when returning to school. Girls should have their hair up Lunch money must be in their folders with their name. Mission Money is due at the end on the month- $2.00 Homework should be done in pencil/crayon with an adult. Will send home notes for classroom supplies Parents should initial HW. Have your child use the bathroom before school Nut Free Classroom Keep distractions at home (Bracelets, pins, etc.) No bright nail polish