3v3 Intramural Basketball Captain’s Meeting
Hobo Dough Deposit A $25 team deposit through Hobo Dough is required for each team Failure to pay the deposit will result in no further participation After Registration closes, the Hobo Dough deposit will increase to $30 $5 non-refundable
Forfeits & Defaults Check IM Leagues each week to verify your team’s schedule Failure to show up to a game will result in a forfeit Loss of $10 from your Hobo Dough refund Two forfeits and team will lose the remainder of Hobo Dough deposit and be removed from the league Because teams play two games each week, your team will be forfeited out of the league if you miss one week and do not notify the IM office If your team is unable to make a game, notify Travis Rawe, IM Graduate Assistant, at sean.Monnier@sdstate.edu, or 605-688-5294 Will count as a default and will not affect your league status, Hobo Dough deposit, or sportsmanship rating
Eligibility No current collegiate athletes are allowed to compete in their sport Former collegiate athletes must be removed from the sport in which they competed for one full year Games in which an ineligible player is found to have participated will be forfeited Teams may not have more than 2 former collegiate players on their roster for the sport in which they competed Anyone who has competed professionally is not allowed to participate in that sport
Eligibility Students and Wellness Center members are eligible to participate in Intramural Sports If a participant is not a Wellness Center member, he/she MUST purchase a Wellness Center membership AND an IM pass DOES NOT INCLUDE: 10 or 20 punch passes, or day passes
Teams & Players Teams will each consist of 3 players A team may start or continue a game with 2 players All players are required to check in with their student ID before participation No exceptions
Equipment NOT ALLOWED Jewelry: This includes earrings, necklaces, wristbands, bracelets, etc. Hats with hard bills Head bands or bandanas with an exposed knot IM supervisors will provide a basketball for each court
Sportsmanship Sportsmanship rating scale: 1-5 Sportsmanship determined by supervisor Must have season average of 3.5 or greater to be eligible for playoffs Will serve as the first tie breaker for regular season standings and playoff seeding Standings are determined by, in order: winning percentage, sportsmanship rating, point differential, points against Unsporting acts will result in a lower sportsmanship rating
The Game Played on half court Best 2 out of 3 games Games will be played to 11, straight Play by 1’s and 2’s Call your own fouls and violations. There will be no officials No free throws Free throws or rock paper scissors to determine who gets first ball Losing team gets ball the 2nd game If playing a 3rd game, free throws or rock paper scissors decides first ball
the game Ball must be checked at the top following made basket, fouls, and violations Dead at the top, must pass in Cannot shoot or dribble Defensive rebounds must be taken back past the 3 point line before scoring Keep your own score and report to the supervisor after a team has won 2 games Top 2 teams from each division will make the playoffs
Check-In & Scores Check-in will be at the cave The schedule of games will be posted at the cave Schedule also posted on IMLeagues Report scores at the cave to the IM Supervisor
Court Layout Dodgeball Court 3 3v3 Court 4 Court 2 Court 1