Purposeful Giving Versus the Price of Idolatry Will a Man Rob God? Malachi 3:8-10
Purposeful Giving Versus the Price of Idolatry Have the Mindset of a Steward All belongs to the Lord (Psalm 50:8-13,1 Cor. 10:26) We should be able to give willingly (1 Chronicles 29:14-16) We glorify God by giving what He deserves (Psalm 96:8) We rob God by using what He has given us to support our idolatry! (Ezekiel 16:17-19; Colossians 3:5; Ephesians 5:5)
Purposeful Giving Versus the Price of Idolatry Give with Purpose Start by giving SOMETHING! (Psalm 96:8) Give what is VALUABLE! (2 Samuel 24:24; Malachi 1:8) Give LIBERALLY! (2 Corinthians 9:6-7; 8:2) Give TO SUPPORT the Lord’s work. (Exodus 25:1-2; 35:21; 36:5-7; 2 Cor. 8:5) Do not withhold from God what is due Him (James 5:1-5)
When it comes to giving… are YOU short on CHANGE??? Malachi 3:6-7