Objectives Talk about the final projects Discuss HW2 and HW3 problems Guest Speaker Discuss HW2 and HW3 problems
Guest Speaker Amanda Berens Energy Steward, Facilities Maintenance The University of Texas at Austin
The goal of this presentation is to inform you of different funding sources and strategies for the entire list of buildings that were included in the LoanSTAR Energy Assessment Report. The next slide shows the complete list NEXT SLIDE
Energy Utilization Index Projected to 2020 4.3% reduction in weather adjusted EUI from baseline year 2008/9 to 2011/12 Annual MMBTU Savings from 2008/09 to 2019/20 = 542,000 MMBTU/yr, at 2008/09 gsf
The “Dirty 30” Annual Energy Use ($1,384,000) Fuel Rate Only ($3,214,000) Fully Burdened ($732,000) ($1,691,000) ($610,000) ($1,436,000) Data are for Jan 2011 through Dec 2011 THE DIRTY THIRTY>>>>>> 30 buildings consuming 80% of our energy … A large number of these buildings also appear on our high EUI list (only seven do not (PCL, BEL, SZB, HRC, PAI, JON, and FAC).
Energy Conservation Measures Technical HVAC Scheduling Hot deck & cold deck resets Lab ventilation air change reduction General maintenance Building optimization Behavioral Lights out campaign UTake Charge Challenge Lab equipment Events
Overview of Hot/Cold Deck Operation To Office Return Air Cooling Coil Supply Air Heating Coil Hot Deck Cold Deck Mixing Box T Return & OA Air Separate heating/cooling source, hot & cold air supplied to mixing box, mixing box controlled by space T-stat blends air to serve space. Hot Deck Reset – If OA is 100F, then HD set point is 75F. If OA is 40F, then HD set point is 120F. Linear relationship between points. Cold Deck Reset – If space RH is < 57%, then CD set point is 59F. If space RH is > 57%, then CD set point is 55F. Can be on/off or linear relationship. Reset schedules can be tweaked to provide maximum performance and efficiency! T
Problem #1 – Hot Deck Reset Savings Calculate steam consumption reduction over a year due to hot deck reset adjustments. Given: Assume a 10,000 CFM Dual Duct AHU system Original hot deck temp set point = 120 oF New hot deck temp set point = 95 oF
Building Automation - Hot/Cold Deck Resets
Problem #2 – Lab Ventilation Reductions Calculate the reduction in chilled water consumption when a lab air change rate is reduced from 12 to 6 ACH. Given: Assume 10,000 CFM Dual Duct 100 % OA AHU Laboratory room volume Assume 5 labs with 2,000 CFM of supply and exhaust air
Problem #2 – Lab Ventilation Reductions 2,000 CFM 1,000 CFM 2,000 CFM of OA 2,000 CFM 400 CFM 400 CFM 600 CFM 600 CFM
Problem #3 – Increase lab exhaust capacity ETC has run out of exhaust capacity. Based on design drawings and actual condition, how can we adapt the building to provide exhaust for a new research on the 9th floor? Options: Reduce hood exhaust rate at existing hoods Convert exhaust system to VAV Ductless exhaust system
Final Project Assignment During the following two classes I will introduce more project topics You will need to define your project till April 4th Define project groups Undergraduate students group of 2 Graduate students individual projects Prepare ½ page proposal and email it to me till March 26th Visit me in my office in-between March 26th and April 4th
Design problem 3: problems 8.27 and 8. 28 HW 2 Design problem 3: problems 8.27 and 8. 28
HW 3 Cooling Cycles Problems: 1) Book: 3.1 (page 69), 3) Solve 3. 1 for ammonia, 4) Same like 3.5 for R22 with no intercooler Book 3.9 (pages 70-71) Book 3.10 (pages 70-71) Due date: March 21, 2013