Nasser Maktoum Al Sheraifi;s Innovation Award, GIPA Innovates Aim: To inspire, encourage, and empower GIPA staff and students to embark on a career in Science and technology
Objectives of the Meeting Brainstorming Session about details of the award for students
Objectives of the Meeting Students needs to be aware of this prize Teachers of science, IT and Math need to collaborate to work with individual students or groups of students Raise awareness for students about the award and to help them come up with something valuable Innovation Fair is a science fair with a twist now
Registration of Projects Online application for projects registration will be available on school portal.
Project Domains The submitted projects should be in the scope of one of the following fields. 1: Energy 2: Environmental Sciences 3: Information & Communication 4: Physics and chemistry 5: Transportation
Evaluation Criteria Each aspect has 20 Marks 1: Benefit & Value 2: Originality and Uniqueness 3: Quality and design 4: Practicality and sustainability 5: Presentation Evaluation Panel 1: The School Principal 2: Selected Staff 3: Education Consultant
Student Category Individual students or a team of 3 members 1st prize 4000 AED 2nd 3000 AED 3rd 2000 AED A team of three members one should be U.A.E national
Timeline Semi final 15 May Final 23 May Award 2nd Of June fair on the 15th or the 23rd?
Examples of projects that the students could be working on: 1: Salt Remediation Desalination of ocean water is continually increasing the salt concentration in costal areas of U.A.E
2: Recycle More The idea behind this project was to create awareness and to motivate the community about waste recycling.
3: Investigation of air pollutants and their impacts on human health. Rapid increase in industry and transportation has badly effected the U.A.E air quality.
4:Track your Beloved One The DNA finger printing bracelet was used to take care of children's and people suffering from mental illness.
Links for STEM and Science fair Project Ideas' Kindly visit the below website