Open Up Your Finding Aids August 4, Archives & Records 2016 Open Up Your Finding Aids Merrilee Proffitt @merrileeiam Senior Program Officer, OCLC Research
A problem for archivegrid Formed a working group to look at the problem
Closed finding aids inhibit… Reuse by aggregators or researchers Obtaining permission for use of finding aids puts a burden both on those asking permission and gaining permission Downstream reuse is also inhibited Reuse of text in finding aids for other purposes (case in point: Wikipedia) Discovery of collections Wider use and reuse of our finding aids will lead to greater exposure of collection descriptions and downstream discovery
Challenges in “opening up” Educating archivists about the problems of having finding aids without clear rights statements (and the problems of unopen finding aids) If you want to “open up” – how? Talking points for colleagues / decision makers Encoding rights statements in EAD Need for machine readable rights statements and a place to put them (!)
UCLA case study
Fixing the problem Get buy in from higher ups if needed Work with technical staff to implement a solution Remove copyright statements from website (usually generated by a stylesheet) For finding aids, replace © with an open license statement Creative Commons and for more exotic edge cases There is no place for rights statements in EAD – be consistent and wait for a solution (EAD 3.1?)
Proposal In <control> roughly parallel in structure with <languagedeclaration> <rightsdeclaration> <rightsinfo> <p>...</p> </rightsinfo > <rightsinfo > <p>...</p> </rightsinfo> </rightsdeclaration> Attributes: IDENTIFIER with a URI TYPE attribute (license vs copyright statements)
Fixing the problem Not just words, but code CC-BY Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)? Attribution 4.0 International ?
Fixing the problem Professional statement on rights information …for finding aids and other forms of metadata …for digitized materials that are clearly out of copyright …for our professional literature
Let’s unlock things together Merrilee Proffitt OCLC Research @merrileeiam cc-0 ©2016 OCLC. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Suggested attribution: “This work uses content from ‘Open Up Your Finding Aids’ © OCLC, used under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License:”